Do you guys think bullet belts are violent?


Till Fjalls
May 18, 2002
City of Lost Angels
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You know, the belts that are made of linked bullets with the tips cut off? My parents seem to think so, and that's their reason for not letting me get one on eBay. Do you think they are "violent"? Do you think they could give someone a bad impression?
Umm.... well, they are bullets. Bullets usually go with a gun and gun is usually used for shooting people, which, IMO, is rather violent act.... so yes, bullet belt is "violent" in a way and yes, they could give someone a bad (or at least weird) impression. I think it's supposed to look violent, hence bullets. You could use crayons for a belt if it was just because of the shape and not the violent imagery.

But I doubt not many people would get too bad impression, except for those who would think that the bullets are real. :lol: (First thing I would think is: "Ah, bullet belt, the one belt that won't keep your trousers up")
Yeah, a bullet belt is BRUTAL...


Uh... How F'n GAY!


Just my opinion.

Now if you were carrying a MP5 or a M60, that would be brutal and scary...

But a bullet belt (obviously fake) are foolish... and laughable.

If you were to wear a real one, people would just think you're nuts...

As an avid shooter and gun owner, I think that shit is gay.

Originally posted by AtTheGates213
You know, the belts that are made of linked bullets with the tips cut off? My parents seem to think so, and that's their reason for not letting me get one on eBay. Do you think they are "violent"? Do you think they could give someone a bad impression?

of course they do. I've learnt not to dress too much metal, so except for the boots and an occasional leather trousers, I try to refrain from an agressive look. I fear a bullet belt might be a step too far.

I must say that I'm seeing this from the viewpoint of chicks and stuff.
It's a belt, a piece of clothing - it can't hurt anyone. I've got belts with spikes coming out of them, THAT is violent cause it actually hurts people!
i think wearing spikes and bullets is over doing it, come on where is the originality, how many bands are you copying, Sepultura was the pioneer of the bullet belt but that was back in 84', i cant believe Destruction is still with it!!! hahahaha, what a bunch of dorks!!!!
Now, self mutilation on stage would be brutal.

Sacrificing animals on stage would be brutal...

Beating people in the crowd with a mic stand would be brutal.

Jumping into the pit for a song while the rest of your band jamming would be brutal.

Wearing a bullet belt isn't brutal, it's cliche.

Whenever I think of bullet belts, I think spandex and frizzy hair.... But all the glam bands used to do that here.

Just my opinion though.
Originally posted by AtTheGates213
You know, the belts that are made of linked bullets with the tips cut off? My parents seem to think so, and that's their reason for not letting me get one on eBay. Do you think they are "violent"? Do you think they could give someone a bad impression?

They're not violent! They're METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's not like you are carrying around a gun that you can feed them into now is it?
I have a bullet belt. I think it's cool. i wear it for the simple reason that Dave wore one during the Reading festival way back in 81 or 82 (can't remember when. :( ). i wore it to school once and all the stpuid little fuckers that we call neds kept saying "are they bullets real?". i'd jsut look at them. i think i told one or two of them they were, but i can't remember.

EvilDeadGod: I don't know which band first wore them, but Dave Murray was wearing one in the videos on Iron Maiden and Killers, all of which were from the aforementioned Reading Festival. and i'd just like to say so what if it's considered 80s and out of date? Do i care? No, i'm only 18 and i wear it. i think it's well cool.
I'm going to buy a bullet belt soon. Not to be brutal or cool, but because I just love the look. It's not something I'll wear every day, just occasional. I really don't find it violent nor brutal.
Don't let your parents decide what you wear, stand up for your rights!

P.S.: spikes are irritating, I got one of those stupid gay spikes in my face in the Immortal-pit at graspop.
they are cool(combined with the right kinda pants)
buy them anyway,if you are gonna get busted or grounded at least have your bullet belt with you