Do you have a word that you use to much?


Nov 19, 2001
Right now, bitch is my word. It fits all occasions, and can be a verb, noun, or whatever.

Do you have an all purpose word?
I probably say "Dude, that band sucks," way too often. Also, I come from Iowa, where the musical hoarde they play on the radio consists of bands like Nickleback and Britney Spears and shit like that. All the trendy stuff.
They even have a CD named after them :p
I like how the singers mouth moves on your sig Belial.

I've noticed I use smilies a lot, I like using them instead of periods sometimes :D

Like that.

I think English lacks enough words to call something "dumb" or "stupid" without being a "racist" word :rolleyes:
A lot of people at my school will say "That's jewish" "That's gay" "That's retarded" Personally, when you say something like that, it just makes you sound like an idiot, not to mention if you say it to someone who has a retarded brother, to someone who is Jewish, or to someone who is gay, it just makes you look like an ass. We need better words :mad:

Goodnight, need to sleep.
i've been told by several ppl that i use the word cunt far too often...esp. when i'm rambling on drukenly...other than that i usally go through phases of using a word or phrase all the time, and it gets to the point that i can feel myself grimacing everytime it slips out because i get so annoyed that i said it again for the nth time in the same conversation...and its usally a phrase meaning 'this is crap' or 'so and so is a twat' i think that must be what i say most often then :rolleyes:
I use the words Gay, Faggot and my pals all the time, which is a terrible habit, because I am extremely non Homophobic or Racist.

They are just good sounding cursing words or insults, like this is gay, and you are a faggot, and my pals.

It's almost funny sounding.

But I never say these things in public.
Originally posted by Kushantaiidan
I use the words Gay, Faggot and my pals all the time, which is a terrible habit, because I am extremely non Homophobic or Racist.

They are just good sounding cursing words or insults, like this is gay, and you are a faggot, and my pals.

It's almost funny sounding.

But I never say these things in public.



Just kidding.
My most over-used word is "though". If I don't watch myself, I might put it into the same sentence twice. :bah:
Otherwise I think I only overuse sounds. I'm the queen of odd squaks, murrs, purrs and tweaks. I'm like one of those children's toys... it gives my boyfriend much delight, trying out all these little sounds, and seeing what comes when; like a little kid with a new Tickle-me-Elmo. He'll lift me and carry me around the room just to get to hear that "disapproving whimper".
"HORER!!!!" It is Norwegian for hookers, whores.
I use it about everything I hate nowadays. It's a
word that I like using now, and then it'll fade and
I will find something else :eek:) But at the moment,
all the customers at work are whores, people
who say stupid things are whores and well....
WHORES!!!! HORER!!! Hehe...

I don't mean that people are whores, it's just a
negative word that I use on things/people >:eek:P

I also use it as a cute little nickname for people I
really like, so the way I say the word is important.
"You little slut!"
I say that to guys as well, so beware! Hehe...

This makes me sound like such a bitch!!
Jayde! Gimme some bitchslapping! >:eek:P
yup =)
at the moment i tend to use a slang greek expression much."Megali epitixia"(=what a great success),it is actually used in a sarcastic/ironic way when one does/will do/did etc sth which failed/is likely to fail.... f.e. my exams will be all "Megali epitixia" :lol:

from english words i tend to use "though" and "after all" much

in german i use much expressions like "Mensch!!!!!!"

and in swedish oh,i well i don't know... maybe "bulle" (yup,all day i dreama bout food :p ) and "troll"
"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits." :lol:

Originally posted by Jayde
Do you have an all purpose word?

The obvious all purpose word is of course, fuck. It is second to none.
Originally posted by Belial
I also have a habbit of Doing a short "hmph" all the time.
Me too :eek:

I think I use quite a lot words like crap, poop, d'oh, geez...and there are so many more and I can't transalate them in English :p