Do you know who your real friends are?

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Well well. It's time for more philosophical drivel from everybody's favorite chest thumping poser. Simple question. Do you know who your real friends are? It sounds easy. Most people would think "yes, i know who my real friends are." Well, in this time and age of shit talking and pussy whipping, it's not so easy to tell. I'll give an example from my own current life. I used to be really good friends with two people. Well, one of these people got a girlfriend, and his balls got cut off in the process. Now, the other one has a girlfriend, and is pussywhipped beyond you're wild imagination. Ok, so these two have been slowly teaming up and their girlfriends are trying to turn them against me, and another one of my real good friends.

I told that because it's a segway to my next story. One of the two "friends" mentioned above is really starting to be a royal pain in my ass because I hang out with my cousins! You heard it right. He's pissed because I'm hanging out with family! Well, I've got news for you, it's none of your fucking business. It's sad when you need to constantly look over your shoulder because you never known when one of your "friends" will stab you in the back. I mentioned pussywhipping. I fucking hate pussywhipped guys. They forget that actually have friends. Sure, they have a girlfriend. Great. But they don't need to have a fucking leash tied to their dick every day of their lives. Those types of people are pathetic. They're too scared that their precious girlfriend will break up with them. Whop-de-fucking-do!

I know that this has absoultly nothing to do with anything. But, call me old-school. I like to know who my REAL friends are. And right about now, I'm really confused. And I HATE being confused. I'm about ready to say fuck it, and not call one of those 2, or both of them my friends. That hasn't happened just yet, but it just might. I hope people will read this and get something out of it. Like I said, it's really random, but I feel it's a good kind of random.
do you have a g/f?
if not, then you're probably just feeling a bit like an outsider.

something else... how long have they been with these chicks?
if less than a year, then just relax. it's still new to them, so this is natural. after a year, they'll be sick of spending all their time with females and they'll be ready for 'guy time.'
then it'll be the chicks complaining about how little time they spend with them and how much time they're spending with 'the guys.'
Still in high school? Man...just wait. Establishing and maintaining friendships gets even more complicated as you get older. Once you get married and have kids, it all changes again. I think it's very rare to keep a good, life long friend. I only communicate with 2 high school friends, one from college and have one close friend from pre-high school years.

I got married and had kids young and the friends just scattered...they weren't mature enough to handle it.

Then again...maybe I'm just not the nicest guy in the world...ha!
I figured that shit out long ago. I'm 30 now and well over half the people I went to school and college with or called friends are either dead, dying, or in a life bind that they put themselves in. It's really sad but also funny how things work out.
Here's how it goes: you invite one friend into your life, he or she invites one or two people they know into your life and before you know it your life is likened to that of a soap opera. As soon as I saw these traits happening around me years back I got rid of these losers. Today I've three close friends, one of them my fiancee (who thankfully understands that relationships do NOT have to be what assholes like Dr. Phil and his ilk define as "healthy").
You live and learn; I sure as hell did. And you know what? Life's freakin' sweet because of it. I know of people who've this compulsive need to have people around them 24/7-365 and their lives are chaotic and full of drama as a result.
What irks me is they bitch about it. Well, whose fault is that, sucker? They remind me of people who put themselves in financial debt then are the first ones to complain about "those goddamn welfare bums" and the independently wealthy (in this case, myself). Gee, I guess spending my money wisely makes me a jerkoff. [enter mock sniffle here]
To the guy who posted this, just remember: in time, as the years pass, you will see friends come and go and hopefully rid yourself of the leeches who only want to use you-or worse.
alright. it may sound extremely gay or ridiculous, but did you ever try to talk to the friends you´re in trouble with?? i mean REALLY talk?? in a normal way, no screaming, no bullshit....

well, i had many problems with my best friend, probably for years. i often told him what i think is fucked on him and it seemed he didn´t care. then i had enough and i really had to talk to him. no other way. so i did, and i never had trouble again. try sometime... fucked as it sound.... haha

ps.: think of what you´re gonna say for some time!!
(man, i hope i don´t sound like one of those TV-Psycologists)
Better to know your enemies.

Mine is my ex wife!! Yay I got divorced today YAY ME! Now back to sleeping with my 19 year old GF
damn i was still wet behind the ears at 19...LOL

I don't have any friends per se except virtually...raising 4 kids, plus helping to run our house and the hours i run at work, not to mention the amount of handyman work i do because im too proud to let someone else do it,,,doesnt leave a lot of time for friends.

I chose the kids and love them all dearly but fuck there are someday i just want to barricade myself into my workshop for some peace and privacy.