Do you like Therion?

Originally posted by _Transparent_

then im sure you like Alas then right? im sure they have one of the Thieron members in the band. :confused:

Sort of. Therion is really only 2 or 3 guys and a bunch of studio musicians. Martina Astner (I believe is her name) sang on one Therion CD (Vovin, I believe) a few years ago. She is the singer of Alas. So, technically, she wasn't a member of Therion, but did sing with them on a CD.
Generally yes,although some albums are rather boring,while others are great...
F.e. Deggial is imho very mediocre while Theli rulz and the new one is a very good work :)
Originally posted by Hearse

everybody got their own taste... but check their newest album "Secret Of The Runes" its more faster than others. It's definitely their best album.

I've heard it. I think its as bad as the rest of their stuff. they had somethign on vovin, i'll give em that. after that, eh. boring..

good taste in tunes though :)
Originally posted by Hearse

Hehe.. Yeah that is damn great song!.. hmm are you gonna make new ones in near future....or maybe full album? ;) that beginning of "Ancient Throne (new version)" from Brave heart? haha.. that has bothered me.. I bet it is? :grin:

our full length will be finished next week, and we'll be looking to get it released next year.

the beginning of ancient throne is a battle we had in teh street outside our studio.