Do you smoke?


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

PS: It does not matter how many you smoke a day, that is irrelevent, it depends on how long you do it for. Plus niccotine addictions have gotta suck.
lol when i was in n00b (primary) school they showed a video about smokin and it compared a normal lung with a fuckin smokers black one and loads of little noobs started crying :erk:
lol when i was in n00b (primary) school they showed a video about smokin and it compared a normal lung with a fuckin smokers black one and loads of little noobs started crying :erk:

once in elementary school we watched ET and some girl started crying at the end :lol:
I don't smoke.. never tried though, never wanted to. And I don't drink too (I don't stand it, it has a bad effect on me)... I'm really a k.o. person... well, nvm.
Yeah, I do smoke. It's bad I know and I've been trying to quit as it's so expensive here but.. well.. nevermind :D Right now I feel like I can't really do without it...
ill send you cigarettes if you send me Jägermeister...
I used to smoke, once upon a time.. not really that much though, maybe 10 a day. Used to smoke Marlboro 100s. Fucking hate smoking with a passion now though.
i smoked canadian cigarettes. they were like..$6.00 a pack, lol...they were really..gross tasting. and then matinee, they tasted like you were inhaling air. du maurier, better then canadian, but they were too expensive, so, i smoked the canadian brand.