Do you think the titles of the 2 new songs suggest anything?


Nails or Flippers..?
Feb 14, 2002
U.S. Georgia
'Trashed Lost & Strungout' and 'Knuckleduster'

Just the names themselves give me the impression that they are going to have more of a thrashy raw sound instead of the fantasy-like bodom theme they have always had. Of course with all the melodies and leads. The thought of it sounds promising to me.

I wish those who have heard the songs would give somewhat of an in-depth review though. I'm just speculating on the song titles.
Knucleduster sounds like it would be a thrash song like HCDR. I wouldn't mind thought it would be better if they did loads of melodies and not that much thrashy things. The other song (too long to remember and type) also sounds like it will be a thrashy one...
Its HCDR all over again!

It was a good album, no reason for this one not to be.
I think Trashed, Lost, and Strungout will be similar to Needled 24/7, with a little more riffage and less melodies. I think Knuckleduster will be very similar to Sixpounder.