DoD Review - Rock Brigade Brazil


I died at Paschendale
Sep 30, 2002
The land of many crows...
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Iron is Iron. That it is an of the phrases more beaten and more more repeated between the fans of the Iron Maiden, by that, went with a lot expectation that finally we come us faced with Dance Of Death, new disk from the band. They are 11 music that continue to saga from the Maiden of Iron of maintain raised the flag of the heavy metal. Of peculiar, the most most aware fans go perceive barely that the guitars are heavier a little, a sort of compromise between the guitars summarized of Somewhere In Team and the raw weight of Powerslave. Tá good, tá good, cite those classics like this all of a sudden creates an expectation above of the normal one in the fans, however, Dance Of Death is really very good and sounds well descompromissado, well heavy and, above of everything, well Iron Maiden, with all of the duets of guitar and those lines below the megamestre of the 4 cords (clear that I refer me refiro àquele-cara-que-não-precisa-dizer- . Well, but himself the costly reader want he find a review absolutely he exempts, he came to the place made a mistake.. Of any way, we go do an analysis of each music of Dancing Of Death for the reader have a boa idea than expect.

1. WILDEST DREAMS (Adrian Smith Steve Harris) - 3:52 is the first one single of the album and is a typical disk opening music of the Maiden: short, quick, with refrão outstanding and I do specially to be the hit of the disk. The guitars fold and the riffs in duet also they are well typical. Sufficiency hear a time to leave singing the refrão.

2. RAINMAKER (Dave Murray Bruce Dickinson Steve Harris) - 3:48 THE voice of Bruce is privately outstanding in this music, going up and alighting tones with absolute tranquilidade. Doubtless, the experience and the road aveludaram a lot the voice of Bruce, that knows sing fortress without lose the traditional characteristics of the Maiden. The solos of guitar in this streak they are sensational, vigorosos, pretty thing even.

3. IN it LIVES LIES (Steve Harris) - 7:21 THE song is of the Stevão and, as everybody the song of the megamestre of the contrabaixo, has something of Nektar and a long introduction of bass. It arrives even remember that climate of Rhymes Of The Ancient Mariner, with a led of temperate bass by the voice of Bruce. The refrão is fortress and the duets of guitar remit straightly for the Era Powerslave. By the way, the solos they are well long and they occupy boa breaks of the time from the song.

4. MONTSEGUR (Janick Gers Steve Harris Bruce Dickinson) - 5:50 Possibly, the riff of introduction of that streak is an of the heaviest one than the Maiden already compôs. Logicamente, think of "heavy" having like referencial the own one Maiden and not the Slayer, by example. The vocal line accompanies the riff from the guitar with bright results, specially because the voice of Bruce is well sharpened. But the star of this music is the cutting work of the guitars, with riffs and solos fantastic that they are small change by the nervous turns from the beating of Nicko McBrain.

5. DANCE OF. But the climate here is another, has an epicer air. Obviamente, the bass orients all the rhythm from the song, leaving it with a barely pompous air that impresses and conquest of immediate. The duet of guitars has a medieval half melody, that looks inspired in chords of violin. Belíssima music.

6. GATES OF TOMORROW (Janick Gers Steve Harris Bruce Dickinson) - 5:12 Is able to look strange, but the guitar that introduces that music remembers too AC DC from the phase Fly On The Wall. Yes, apparently does not it have do nothing it see, but hear with calm to verify! As well as in Montsegur, Bruce sings accompanying the riff from the guitar with bright results.

7. NEW FRONTIER (Nicko McBrain, Adrian Smith, Bruce Dickinson) - 5:04 That is to only streak that Stevão does not participate from the composition and, coincidentally, is to unique that Nicko co writes. The guitars predominate a little more than the normal one, leaving some more more raw passages, style that the band exploited enough in the time of In The Prayer Will Go The Dying.

8. PASCHENDALE (Adrian Smith Steve Harris) - 8:27 another one long epic composition. It led is mnimalist environment, has that passages mechanics repetition that the band knew exploit of magnanimous way in Stings Of Mind. There is still an extraordinary classical weight of music in the beginning of the second verse, a passage that is going to frighten the listener desavisado. The weight of the guitars in that music is marvelous.

9. FACE IN THE SAND (Adrian Smith Steve Harris Bruce Dickinson) - 6:31 AND there comes the Stevão of news with their short trovejante do the loudspeakers will tremble. That music is a journey in everybody the hurt, with a performance half psicodélica of the vocal one. It is not a psicodélico style years 70, is a business more futurista, a psicodélico futurista. Taí, gives to pra create a news label: metal psicodélico futurista.

10. ACTS OF INNOCENCE (Dave Murray Steve Harris) - 6:10 Bruce is more more courteous in that music, mantém the shortest tones and a certain air blasé in the melodies. Good, that thing of "air blasé" is environment boiola, I admit, but the Maiden obtains do of that a seasoning to more in the song. The riffs ridden they break a little that climate and the result is of well interesting fact.

11. JOURNEYMAN (Adrian Smith Steve Harris Bruce Dickinson) - 7:06 When the song begins, you arrive it think that is a matter of some new version of Infinite Dreams. But Journeyman is sader, looks an of those ballads that Bruce recorded to the hill in its career soil. The reinforce violin melody that sad half air and the Maiden reveals here that is a band that obtains give a personal touch in everything that does.
It is not a psicodélico style years 70, is a business more futurista, a psicodélico futurista. Taí, gives to pra create a news label: metal psicodélico futurista.
