Does angry metal calm you down?


New Metal Member
Hi ya all,
Lately i have some anger issues at the entire world. Hate the shit thays goin on, hate shitty ass fake people, hate their values, hate the job etc. And thays when i put some headphones on and it calms me down. It gets the anger out and makes me feel like im not alone with these feelings. Ever feel the same?
Really, humans aren't meant to live like this. We aren't adapted for the modern world. That's a huge part of why so many people are unhappy and unfulfilled in the modern day. A good example of this would be the prominence of obesity - we aren't meant to live with food in abundance, as we are adapted to an environment where food is scarce and you should eat all you can get. Feelings like boredom, sadness, depression, loneliness, etc, are normal feelings, but it's not normal to ignore them as modern society necessitates that we do.

Because of this, I sometimes like to imagine that I'm living in the cold, grim, wintery wastelands of Northern Europe whence my ancestors originated - where I am evolutionarily adapted to survive - where I could function as I would in nature. To do this, I just put on a black metal record - some favorites for this effect are Burzum, Borknagar, Enslaved, and Darkthrone.

So I guess that's sort of similar to what you describe.
absolutely it does. it's a way to get out frustration with the little things that bug me during my day at work. or if i'm stressed out, it helps me a lot to just listen to something fast and aggressive.
Always. Metal is my go-to outlet. Extreme metal seems to be the most cathartic, so the heavier the band, the better I'm gonna feel afterwords.
Do I ever agree! I feel a catharsis after just being in modern society and dealing with all the corporate slaves. Then I put on usually melo-death, black metal or viking metal and just absorb it
Well, angry metal makes me pissed, but in a good way. Sometimes, I put on Exodus of Decide, or maybe Goatmoon, and just imagine all of the people who mess around with me getting punished. In the long term, this use of anger makes me calmer. Angry metal also inspires me when I'm angry. I don't mean that when I listen to death metal, I want to turn someone into a gory mess, as that is completely ridiculous. I mean that it makes me feel mentally stronger. Not Cannibal Corpse, I'm actually referring to bands who write inspiring music, like Death and Amon Amarth. Black metal is less for when I'm angry, more for when I'm depressed.
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yeah, it does, big time. There's a ton of shit to be utterly pissed about. How America's shit-sucking politicians have run up the nat'l debt to 17+ trillion bucks, asshole refugees wanting in the country to take food and jobs away from needy Americans, and the total epidemic of pedophilia now in the protestant 'church'. It's too much for one person to contain so I listen mostly to melo-death and black metal...constantly.
Oh, for sure. And after listening for a while it becomes cathartic and I'm just floating in my own little chaotic world. At the same time, it also makes me feel pumped up and unstoppable. It's the way I channel my anger, but it always makes me happy.
As I see it, more often than not Metal music is most appreciated by people who have had it tough, have issues, and went through shit in their lives. Metal is a very powerful and in-your-face kind of music that will speak in volumes to people who need to vent out their frustration at the injustice around them. I also crave to listen to something really heavy and anger filled when I feel upset and raged. It does help me calm down in a healthy way. I will sing and bang my head until my throat is raw and my neck hurts, that's when I feel the raging feelings being replaced by numbness, but the good kind of numbness, the one where you just feel at peace with yourself and accept that life is what it is and you are not alone in the struggle.

Just my two cents.
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