Does anyone actually pay attention to the lyrics?


New Metal Member
Aug 25, 2003
I'm just curious how many of you actually pay attention to the lyrics in any of the Opeth songs. And if so, why don't more people like the BWP title track??!?!?!!?!?
Yeah I usually do, but for some reason im too much of a lazy bastard to look up the lyrics... i mean it should be easy to go and look at the cd booklet, but unfortunately I've only bought deliverance so far :( I will buy all the albums when I have money, for sure, but for now I'll have to feel guilty and listen to my burned copies.
BWP is one of my favorite songs by opeth actually. its one of their few songs that i actually know the lyrics to by heart.
I read the lyrics to just about every bands songs that I listen to...very important for me. Opeth has great lyrics,for the most part.
I know msot of Opeth's lyrics, but I do not really know the lyrics to alot of the bands I listen to. I find this kind of unnerving, it's like a whole part of the music that passes me by...really need to get around to reading more lyrics.
BWP has some pretty killer lyrics...i usually dont get into lyrics that much because im an advocate for that music is what makes the song....
Opeth's lyrics are for the most part pretty dark and scary....BWP seems to be about something a little less dark and scary and makes more sense....Humanity has gone to the birds....
lyrics are teh win. it's a shame that Mikael writes Opeth's lyrics the way he does; that is, intent wise. If he put lots of thought into it, it'd be kinda cool cuz then you could dissect them and try to figure out what they truly mean.....if he just wrote random words/topics it'd be cool because then your own interpretation would be left completely open.....but he writes the lyrics with general ideas in mind....and that sort of takes away the fun a little with means you can't interpret your own grand meaning and there isn't all that much to go digging for; ie, the lyrics are mostly just there for being and sounding pretty. Which, to me, is a shame.

But other than that minor quibble, Opeth's lyrics are pretty good. =) Maybe not with Opeth, but I find that understanding how the lyrics are structured and expressed in the song's vocals helps to understand the overall structure of the music. A handy tool for dense death metal.
I don't really care about lyrics, I just like the song in a whole, vocal sound with all the rest of the band, but if I learn the lyrics it's an added bonus.