does anyone else like how this alien is wearing high tops?


human plant/container
Oct 17, 2003
Boston, MA
ignore the pelvic/groin region for a second (i think it's malformed?) and check the sneakers.


does anyone else have dillusions of being abducted, having their memory of it almost completely erased, and an organic implant that periodically moves right when you think you've found it?
My friend Shamyl thought he was being abducted nightly during highschool. His proof was that every morning he woke up with a circular impression on the left upper side of his chest. It had four little "prongs" that stuck out of the sides. He told everyone about this for months. Every day, the same perfectly circular impression on his chest.

He had been sleeping with one arm underneath him. He wore a watch to bed every night.

when i was little (because i'm HUGE now) i'd take some red lipliner and draw a crooked smeary vertical line on my younger brother's stomach as he was sleeping. he'd wake up in the morning, and i'd tell him that i saw strange, little grey creatures with popped-out jellified eyes fumbling with his stomach.

he FREAKED out.

i continued doing it for 4 months or so.
haha, fun!
no, i have an organic alien transmitter that was in my hand, and then when i had decided i would take a razor to the skin to find out what it really was, it mysteriously vanished to a now unknown area, perhaps internal.
that's not uncommon for alien abductees.

this guy named david jacobs who's this well-known alien-researcher has CRAZY stories about alien abduction. (that's what he specializes in.) everytime people would talk about implants under hypnosis, he would schedule an x-ray for them. but then they'd always get abducted again before the x-ray and it would be gone. so the one time, this lady he was working with called him up, says that she thinks she got another implant, so he takes her to the hospital IMMEDIATELY, and gets his one friend who was a doctor to do an x-ray right away. and the x-ray comes out, and they can sort of see something non-descript where she said they put the implant. so they order more and i guess fancier x-rays that take a day or so to develop. those x-rays got fucked up at the lab (!) and the original ones disappeared from the hospital! and jacobs has all the medical records to prove when they were taken and that they were lost.


the aliens don't fuck around!
st. vincents hospital keeps losing my CT scan results and is now delaying sending them to my doctor. i wonder if aliens want me to screw up my cancer recovery?
ps - that totally is alien peen up there ^^^

i just wanted to see how you would react, and what you would think it was. amanda's "reverse tail" explanation was pretty golden.

that's all!

ps - i have a video still from the same movie of a hootchie sucking the same alien peen. it's got weird lumps and nodes (and nodes growing on top of the nodes!)... if anyone is interested! :)