Does anyone else miss Anathema's logo?

Originally posted by pagan2002
it seems everybody has strong opinions. even you mehdi!
take it easy on eachother dont know eachother that well anyway.

oh well, i hate that kind of 'true fans', 'false fans' narrow minded bullshit. but it won't prevent me to sleep :grin:

i agree. "true or false" is in the heart. not in the record collection. it doesnt matter if AFDTE is the only record you have or whether you realise that my dying bride copied sear me and other songs directly from crestfallen and they die which were written a year earlier! the fact that andy admitted this in 1996 shows that "true or false" fans still dont know exactly what goes on. fuck it. theres gonna be a nuclear football match in asia and thats a bit more important!
I have the original Anathema logo tattoed on my right arm.You may remember me Danny-Kev Paish-the nutter who followed Anathema all over the place:)

I LOVED Serenades-i still do and i will admit that AFDTE is not my favourite Anathema album-some great songs certainly i will admit and the gig in London was brilliant-i suppose i've always been a lover of metal and the change did seem a bit too drastic for me.I look forward to new Anathema mateiral and its great Jamie is back in the band:)

Though i keep calling him Vinny!
Originally posted by pagan2002
i agree. "true or false" is in the heart. not in the record collection. it doesnt matter if AFDTE is the only record you have or whether you realise that my dying bride copied sear me and other songs directly from crestfallen and they die which were written a year earlier! the fact that andy admitted this in 1996 shows that "true or false" fans still dont know exactly what goes on. fuck it. theres gonna be a nuclear football match in asia and thats a bit more important!

:eek: :eek: really?? i never realized that -then again, i never listened to crestfallen much, so i couldnt know.

and yeah, we'll be sleeping, eating, fucking, peeing, waking up, etc. with football in a week! YEAH!
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
oh well, i hate that kind of 'true fans', 'false fans' narrow minded bullshit. but it won't prevent me to sleep :grin:

DAU never said that Mehdi, he just said that was kind of a general feeling that more people have (I'm talking about the statements about the "true" fans), not that it was HIS opinion. And with true he OF COURSE didn't mean everybody who became a fan after Serenades is not "true", he just meant "old" fans that have been there since the early years and followed their entire evolution from Doom/Death to the style of today.

Relax man, you always end your posts with "peace", keep that peace! And stop the silly Finnish words, you're friggin' French!

And to just give my opinion on the initial subject of this thread. I agree pretty much with DAU (I am also a fan since Serenades), I was kinda disappointed with AFDTE, it lacks the magic for me. I said it before in some other thread somewhere, I think AFDTE lacks real, structured SONGS. It just seems like soundscapes without real beginning or ending, like the second song, it starts with this acoustic guitar (quite nice), you expect it to be the intro but it just keeps going, the song just never gets underway. I enjoy listening to the album though, it's OK, but not "great".

Judgement was already a slight disappointment to me, it wasn't as great as A4. Where A4 had not a weak moment on the entire album, Judgement pretty much stops for me after "Don't Look Too Far". That is a good song, but the "wah wah" guitar in the chorus kinda ruins the fragile atmosphere created in the couplets. My expectations were also huge for Judgement after A4 and were kinda conformed when I heard "Deep" just prior to the release, but it's always risky to have big expectations, I have learned to become more careful with that! It's better to not expect too much, you're much less likely to be disappointed. :)

And Danny, please play "Fragile Dreams" in its original version on the next tour and preferably more than just 2 songs from A4...
Originally posted by MadTinus
DAU never said that Mehdi, he just said that [...] their entire evolution from Doom/Death to the style of today.

yeah but somehow i felt he was a bit scornful, weren't you DAU? and i don't think it's right to feel scornful about people who have different opinions because you know the band for 24 years. but maybe i was wrong :)

Relax man, you always end your posts with "peace", keep that peace! And stop the silly Finnish words, you're friggin' French!

oh i'm totally calm, no hard feelings. and hey mate i'm trying to learn a few finnish words, what's wrong with it, leave me alone will you :grin:

@Mehdi, now this is a true fan!!

fucking right :lol:

Originally posted by nogs00
you still didnt comment on the logo tho. can you finish this thought for us please
Hmm, you're right, I was sad to see the old logo go, I liked it and I think it still suits the music.

Sentenced let go of their logo with the new album too, sad, that was a great logo indeed.
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e

yeah but somehow i felt he was a bit scornful, weren't you DAU?

Sorry, have been away for a while.
No, I wasn't being scornful. I guess I just chose the wrong words at the time. It seems MadTinus has understood what I meant very well.
Didn't mean to cause an argument.
Originally posted by MadTinus
Sentenced let go of their logo with the new album too, sad, that was a great logo indeed.

i like the new one, it fits the new artwork, and it's less typically metal. i like the old one tho. this makes me think of all the death/black metal bands with crappy logos you can't even read. i never got the point in doing this...?

for what comes to Anathema, i think they're a different band now, so it's natural they change logo. the 2 latest releases are kinda far from 'Eternity' or 'Alt4', so it don't bother me.

and DAU, no hard feelings :Smokin:

Originally posted by Don Corleone
all right, i'll go ahead and say this, i dont know why but anyway...OPETH'S LOGO SLAYS ALL OTHER LOGOS IN THE WORLD! agrees or disagrees?

i dont know why either. i heard them today and turned it off after 30 seconds, logo or no logo. mind you maybe i wasnt in the mood for METAL!:Shedevil: :flame: :Smokedev:
it was just the double bass and death metal vocals, i didnt feel like that in the morning. and i didnt expect it either. not my cup of tea. still, i'm sure theyre pretty good.
Ah, but did you wait for a quiet bit with clean vox? Or go to one of the completely acoustic songs? Hmm?

It's trOO, they're not everyones cup of tea, but my girlfriend still manages to like the quiet bits and it's safe to say she isn't a metal fan ;)