Does anyone else miss Anathema's logo?

Originally posted by Don Corleone
all right, i'll go ahead and say this, i dont know why but anyway...OPETH'S LOGO SLAYS ALL OTHER LOGOS IN THE WORLD! agrees or disagrees?

So true!!! And they have one of the most beautiful covers ever!! I remember the time when I didn't even know that there was a band called Opeth. I came to this CD shop and saw one of those promotional "Still Life" cards. It was so beautiful that I just had to look for the CD. I listened to it about two minutes and bought it :) And this "Thought I could not leave this place on this eminent daaay..." ** till "no-one should know, aahaaaa" part in The Moor is so touching!!! And Mikes voice sounds so beautiful!! Ahh! Even only thinking about it creates a big smile on my face *g* :grin: :grin:
danny, definitely try the acoustic bits of opeth. you say you like nick drake, there is no way you can miss songs like "to bid you farewell", "face of melinda" or "benighted"... they are as good as your acoustics like eternity III or far away!