Does anyone have the new disc yet?

I just got To Welcome the Fade yesterday. And, yeah this is the best ND stuff that has ever been made. Interestingly, a lot of the stuff on it really caught me on first listen, whereas with other ND stuff it usually took me no less than 4 or 5 listens to really appreciate it.

Novembers Doom go pop?
the new record owns....your metalfest set embaressed alot of the bands playing there that weekend[amber asylum and rune were also amazing] and i havent even opened my new vintersorg record yet[the other cd i got from metalfest and wanted to hear right away] cuz you cd[and out of the cellar,shout at the devil, and too fast for love] have been all i have listened too

kill with power
When To Ask and When Not To.

Is it the 'done thing' to give away free copies of the new CD to a select band of friends and associates?

Islamic tradition has always been that a gift cannot be accepted without offering something in return.

So, I want the new CD. What do you want in return?
Originally posted by alphamale
when is the new album supposed to be out? and is dark fields for brilliance gonna be on it?

The album should be out no later than September 9th. If you want to order it, your best bet is to order it directly from, it will probably be cheapest from them. And yes, Dark Fields For Brilliance will be on it.