Anyone heard new Opeth yet?

Yeah, well I just wondered if any promos had gone out yet, etc. I can wait to hear it myself when its released, I'm not much one for downloading stuff. But I was just curious as to what other's opinions on it were, had they heard it already. I agree...I wouldn't download anything previous to its release either. I am pretty adamant about that. Even when the new In Flames was ALL over the damn place I put my foot down..."NO! I will not succumb to peer pressure!"
I have a copy of it. It's amazing, as expected! The only thing i was suprised with was the production. It's very much like the past Opeth CDs, maybe a bit cleaner, but for an Andy Sneap mix, I expected the guitarts to punch me in the face. I need to hear it a few more times to let it sink in.

The CD is another fucking winner!
i'm really interested to hear the production. sneaps involvement totally peaked my interest. for some reason i'm not as excited by this opeth release as i was by the last time. blackwater really floored me, but i dont think i expect to get floored this time. kinda sad. i'll see when it comes out.

speaking of floored: BLOODBATH
and the new myrkskog. totlaly floored me.
I was fortunate enough to hear some of both the new Opeth and new Bloodbath last night at practice. I only heard basically one song off the new Opeth, but yeah it is pretty much what you'd expect from them. To make any sort of judgement about it after only hearing one song would be silly, especially for Opeth. I can't wait to hear it in its entirety and on a good stereo. Nothing about the production really made much of an impression on me, but again, I'm going to have to sit down and really absorb it and hear it properly.
As for the Bloodbath cd, I was pleasantly surprised at how cool it was. It's very old school european death metal, and that's the type of death metal I always preferred. Again, I have to hear it on a proper stereo (we only had a little old portable cd player) but it's definately something I would buy. I honestly hadn't heard the ep, so I am new to Bloodbath. I'd recommend it to people who like their death metal heavy, catchy and in the vein of the early 90s euro death style.
i heard that the limited edition digipack will come with two extra tracks: under the weeping moon (live) and pantera's by demons be driven...i don't think that it's true.

i didn't like the album all that much...but i'm still listening to it in order to try make it grow in me...
I do love the new Opeth, the song "A Fair Judgement" is wonderful, maybe I need to listen some more, but Blackwater Park and Still Life still hold a special place in my heart.
I finally got the new album on Friday. I have had the opportunity to listen to it a couple times now in its entirety and I think it's a beautiful album. What I love about Opeth is that there are so many layers and levels to their's like, a story. (Don't know how else to explain it). At any rate...thumbs up from me:)
I've heard the cd and I like it so hasnt grabbed me yet, really, but its decent. I dont actually own it yet though so I havent had a chance to really hear it over and over. Is the damn thing out in stores yet or what?
yea, it's in stores. hope you like it more than I do. For me, the band has become too predictable. Hopefully Damnation will change that