Anyone heard new Opeth yet?

I am slowly getting into it Deliverance more and more. It will take a few more listens for me, but I already like it better than BWP and see it as a nice mixture of BWP and Bloodbath. I can't wait for Damnation to be released as it's said to be a lot like Mikael's Sörskogen project.

Originally posted by Lier in Wait
I am not very into Opeth though I have all of their albums... But even Deliverance can't beat My Arms Your Hearse:)
Nothing can beat MAYH. ;)
I'm really getting into Deliverance. I had listened to it numerous times and enjoyed it, but it didn't totally hook me. The other night I was driving home late and listening to it, and it finally just sunk in, how great it is. There's a few things lacking still, but I have a feeling that when the Damnation cd comes out, those two will compliment each other well and the picture will be complete. Or at least I hope so.
I think Orchid beat MAYH. Deliverance is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I LOVE A FAIR JUDGEMENT!!!!!!! HOYL SHIT!!!!! WOOOH! That whole cd is amazing......... I just love Opeth.......