Does anyone here actually like Mike Moore?

I wish I was gugs sometimes, it must be nice to know everything. :loco:

Look, obviously the dude is biased. That doesn't mean you have to disregard everything he says, because a lot of it is some important shit. Besides the fact that if it weren't for nutcases like Moore, and to a lesser extent idiots like me and lizard, we'd all have nothing to disagree about. Well, except real v. fake boobies I guess.
I disregard it because you can never tell when he is maknig shit up/putting a HUUUUUGEEEE spin on things. Just like I'm sure many of you do the same with Bush (including myself mostly), and instead rely on other means of getting information and coming to your own conclusion.

All Moore does is create more and mooore (loliez) people that are up in arms about thing they really dont' understand. The same people that really should worry about cleaning their room, or doing there dishes, and being mindfull of their own life and own comunity, before they worry about saving baby muskrats in uzbekastan.
I think it rules that both lizard and I use our BlackBerries, definite tools of the man, to spread our commie scum left wing propaganda. :loco:

Well actually I only posted once from my ButtBerry, but I know that's what lizard is doing right now. :D
lizard said:
Tully I was recognizing your slyness when several here were doubting you...are you listening to hillbillyheroin limbaugh or sean vannity?

Moore may be more a little full of himself sometimes, but really you could do with a few more like him to tip the balance on your corporate controlled media, that either tells part or none of the story.

how many of the cunts that booed him when he made the anti war speech at the oscars are now thinking...hmm over a thousand of our troops have died in this here resource war...

when he was doing his ch4 show years ago he was mostly aiming at the big companies that the little guy had no hope against and showing them up for the profit monsters they are

hail the corporate crime chicken!
unhinged said:
when he was doing his ch4 show years ago he was mostly aiming at the big companies that the little guy had no hope against and showing them up for the profit monsters they are

hail the corporate crime chicken!

To bad he gave a whole speach about how he hates small buisness's and shops as well.
lizard said:
Thomas Jefferson himself said periodic revolutions are necessary look at the predominently conservative scandals brwing
right now absolute poser corrupts absolutely

Nad is right the beer is cold the booberry is charged and I am in fine fettle
Shit yeah man, one of my favorite things about Jefferson, who is probably one of my favorite people that ever existed. Oh and i just finished tonight's first beer. :kickass:

Yeah I really really really liked Michael Moore when he had that TV show, now I just enjoy his movies but don't like him as much. But I do respect the dude, fight the power brother.
