Does anyone know who Andy's mastering enginner (ME) is....


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
Does anyone know if Andy masters in house or does he send his stuff out....
Frank'nfurter said:
Would suck major ass if you have the perfect mix, give it to some so called ME and he fucks it. I assume this is the reason Andy does it by himself.

ME is not a person....I guess I should have put M.E.
Frank'nfurter said:
Would suck major ass if you have the perfect mix, give it to some so called ME and he fucks it.

That seems to be the standard protocol.
metalkingdom said:
That seems to be the standard protocol.

Amen to that. Especially with major label releases. My favorite story is how Eminem mastered his own album because he wanted it to blow the speakers in his car - and he wasn't satisfied until it happened. :lol:
And if he is? I AM an Eminem fan, and not shy about it, either.

Guess that's not TRU enough, but, oh well.
guitarguru777 said:
Why do you know about that Karzog ... Closet Eminem fan ??

No, I hate hip hop, and while I think Eminem is a smart guy, it doesn't inspire me to listen to him. I was watching MTV and he talked about mastering his album. I laughed.
Kazrog said:
while I think Eminem is a smart guy

Not according to a friend of mine who's interviewed him several times. Thick as pig shit was the exact phrase I think. ;)

I was always under the impression that it is best to get a M.E to do the mastering purely to have someone with fresh ears listening. There was a very interesting article about it in last months issue of Sound on Sound.

Also im guessing most of you know, but on Andy's website there is a discography and it shows what he has done on each album hes worked on.

Im new here, dont hit me.
