Does anyone like Lacuna Coil?

Seasonreaper said:
if ya want a decent redhead, just look at simone from epica, shes hot as hell :)

look here:

metal paddy said:
pinkie and netty are better than her dude our girls are headbangers thats all paddy needs :kickass: :kickass: As well ice cold beer and a big cigar my very good friends:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin:

:cool: :cool:
ender7227 said:

Man-shoulders on that one. There's few things that turn me off on a woman more than man shoulders.
Décadent said:
Man-shoulders on that one. There's few things that turn me off on a woman more than man shoulders.

Hm.. I'm assuming you mean the muscle on her is not appealing to you. Since man shoulders are muscular, right? (I can't think of what else would be man shoulders)

I'd have to agree with you though, I like being toned, but don't think I'd feel attractive if I had more muscle than my boyfriend (though he doesn't have much).

<=== Has super bony shoulders. Seriously, the bones stick out so much it's cool....though I find bones in certain areas really attractive =/ Shoulders being one of them.
Yeah, the broad shoulders that certain athletes/gymnists have. I have a big interest in the neck/shoulder area on women, and when a girl is built more like an inner city appartment block than a finely hand-crafted sculpture, I get a bit iffy.
Susperia said:
You people. Are so. Fucking DENSE.

I DO NOT have a problem with looking at beautiful people! But you guys are ripping them apart! Like no woman is perfect enough ''oh her hips are too small, they're too big, she's too skinny, she looks like a teenage boy, her face is too masculine" CHRIST!! Those are beautiful women, if you pick apart Victoria's Secret models like this I just hate to think how badly men pick apart women who aren't fucking models.
Personally, I'm looking for perfection when I'm looking for pics for this thread(or what it's become. At this point it should be renamed.) I haven't found one yet. But, all of the girls I've posted and others have posted were extremely hot and beautiful. I think there is beauty in almost every woman, especially women who are just themselves, who neither fill their faces constantly nor starve themselves, who;s bodies are right where they naturally are without super extensive dieting and exercise. Both are OK but in most cases I see both as unnecessary. IMO the perfect woman is one who is comfortable with herself, does what is necessary to keep herself this state where she feels beautiful, and no more.
Susperia, instead of bitching about women objectifying themselves, why not fight fire with fire and objectify men? Believe me, there's an unlimited amount of photographic evidence of that (consider every Manowar press photo for example...)
Susperia said:
Hm.. I'm assuming you mean the muscle on her is not appealing to you. Since man shoulders are muscular, right? (I can't think of what else would be man shoulders)

I'd have to agree with you though, I like being toned, but don't think I'd feel attractive if I had more muscle than my boyfriend (though he doesn't have much).

<=== Has super bony shoulders. Seriously, the bones stick out so much it's cool....though I find bones in certain areas really attractive =/ Shoulders being one of them.

Ewwwwwwwww. Bony chicks = :erk:

Want a quick route to not being too skinny?

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Susperia, instead of bitching about women objectifying themselves, why not fight fire with fire and objectify men? Believe me, there's an unlimited amount of photographic evidence of that (consider every Manowar press photo for example...)

Because I don't want to objectify men =\ Not only would I seem disrespectful to the male gender, but you would also treat me with less respect in return because of my immature and sexist attitude.

I don't see how that would solve anything.

And Chris: I'm not too skinny.. trust me. And I've been a little overweight before while being a vegan. It's entirely possible. I don't know why people think vegans are always thin. We eat so many damn carbs, it's just that we also tend to be less lazy and more self-aware than erm, ''normal" people.

edit: And I'm really not attracted to the whole model look on men (or women really). I like natural so much more. I mean, come on.. I'm attracted to big hairy smelly Vikings for gods sake.
Susperia said:
Because I don't want to objectify men =\ Not only would I seem disrespectful to the male gender, but you would also treat me with less respect in return because of my immature and sexist attitude.

I don't see how that would solve anything.

And Chris: I'm not too skinny.. trust me. And I've been a little overweight before while being a vegan. It's entirely possible. I don't know why people think vegans are always thin. We eat so many damn carbs, it's just that we also tend to be less lazy and more self-aware than erm, ''normal" people.

edit: And I'm really not attracted to the whole model look on men (or women really). I like natural so much more. I mean, come on.. I'm attracted to big hairy smelly Vikings for gods sake.

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