Does anyone like Lacuna Coil?

I think Lacuna Coil definitely have their place. I personally can take it or leave it, it's too pop-y for me, but I don't mind hearing them on the radio every now and again. I would not call them "metal" however, and I certainly would NOT put them as a headliner of a metal festival. At NEMHF last weekend, they not only headlined as the final band of 12 hours of metal/hardcore music, but they came right after the Black Dahlia Murder, and about half the audience walked out. They tried their hardest and were good performers, you could tell, but it unfortunately just wasn't their place.

~Lyris from HUNG~
Ever noticed how it's impossible to mention Lacuna Coil without someone saying 'Christina Scabbia is hot'. Kind of like Britney Spears, but more metal.
AlphaTemplar said:
Ever noticed how it's impossible to mention Lacuna Coil without someone saying 'Christina Scabbia is hot'.

she's the most interesting aspect of the band.

if you were a mailman, but you also happen to have 3 arms and a horn, people wouldn't refer to you as "that guy who's a mailman".
AlphaTemplar said:
Ever noticed how it's impossible to mention Lacuna Coil without someone saying 'Christina Scabbia is hot'. Kind of like Britney Spears, but more metal.

Yes, but Britney doesn't write her own tunes.
Susperia said:
A lot of boys do actually because

A) Short women make the man they're with look taller

B) Short is usually equated with being young, prepubescent...

C) Since they are so much smaller than them, men think they can overpower and dominate short women more easily.

=O Oh noez she's telling the truth about men and women again on GMD, what a god damn bitch feminazi!!! Fuck.

I'm in trouble aren't I? =/

No you are wrong I like short women because I find them attractive and I can live out my fantasy of raping a child by dating them.... oops I was only supposed to think that part in my evil evil man mind.

as Teh Grimarse has said Christina Scabbia is about the only focal point of that group and I know that she could lacuna my coil (by coil I mean penis)

They are a bit too bland for my liking
I know all of you will just think I'm saying this because I'm envious, but I never found Scabbia all that attractive either =\

She's certainly not ugly... but I think we have all got such hard-ons because she's one of the few women in Metal who flaunt their femininity/sexuality... And she's thinner than Tarja. And hopefully less pre-madonna.
Susperia said:
I know all of you will just think I'm saying this because I'm envious, but I never found Scabbia all that attractive either =\

She's certainly not ugly... but I think we have all got such hard-ons because she's one of the few women in Metal who flaunt their femininity/sexuality... And she's thinner than Tarja. And hopefully less pre-madonna.

I think the real reason is here:
Susperia said:
I am more attracted to men with very dark hair, and women with very light hair.

So I have no chance to be loved by you too
How tall are you btw?
yeh well i mmight just have to check them out...they sound pretty good....well i will check them out later and get back to you on that always burn
little_emo_boy_666 said:
yeh well i mmight just have to check them out...they sound pretty good....well i will check them out later and get back to you on that always burn
WHO DUDE:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: PADDY NOT BURN HIM TOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL:kickass: :kickass: