Does anyone thing The Breathing Shadow is the best Nightingale?

I think that Alive Again is the's so catchy and mind-blowing that there's just no substitute for it.
The rest are great albums too...just not SO good. But The Breathing Shadow is altogether great.

There was no lyrics,according to Dan,cause : [taken from the Lamentations of the Flame Princess interview] "Lack of time, really. There was always something about Black Mark that was very fast. "OK, you're finished, when can we have it? Yesterday?" Oh shit! "I don't have the time for that. No lyrics, OK?" "That's OK!" To be really honest, it could have been easy for me to go home that day and print the fucking lyrics. I was afraid the storyline wouldn't hold for print. There were some grammatical errors, 'are' instead of 'is', some things that at the time felt like the whole world. "That's the wrong word, oh shit!" I didn't print the lyrics because some of them would be obvious when you read them. When you listen, sometimes you don't pay attention. That's one of the things that was going on when I played the album to my wife and some friends. They were pointing out some of the grammar that was not right. I didn't feel like enhancing this thing by typing it."

At least they're all on I.
(raises hand) I like TBS the most because it is 100 percent Dan. No offense to Dag if he's reading this, but I think Dan is the far stronger songwriter of the two of them, although Dag certainly has his moments. On albums like I and even Alive Again the songs Dan wrote are so much better and stand out more. I would like to have seen what TBS would have sounded like if Dan had more time to work on it and tweak it a bit, but perhaps that's all part of the charm of it.
I think it's the best nightingale. Nice gothrock spirit.
The lyrics are pretty bad from time to time, like the shadow monologue :D but they are definately ok.
Hey Dan, Crimson I had a few goth passages and Crimson II has none. Not that I mind, since its appropriate for this era of your music but I kinda miss the deep vocals of "sacrificed" , therion's "theli" and "the breathing shadow." Any chance you might start a goth side project in the vein of sacrificed or the BS in the future? Complete with artificial drumming?