Does anyone use VSTs for playing live?


New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2012
First of all, I'm brand new so I don't know if this is the right subforum, or if this has been asked already.

That aside, I've been practicing using only VSTs for the best part of two years, and my practice amp and pedals are just gathering dust now. A signed band has just invited me to join their ranks, with the proviso that at some point I would be able to play live with them.

Now, despite that shitty 15 watt amp, I have no really good gear to speak of. I could buy a good quality amp and cab on finance, but it would take me a while to get a good sound out of them (and to pay the ****ers off).

So recently I've been thinking of putting my recording knowledge to good use and playing using my VST presets live, at least until I get some money. I've been developing the sound and now my presets sound pretty decent, and not only that but I can tweak them on the fly with more flexibility and effects than I think I would ever have on an amp+cab, unless I had a £1000 setup to go with them.

Has anyone tried this? Problems I anticipate are: latency, however I can cut this down to about 260 samples with a fast laptop (so roughly 0.006 seconds delay between my playing and the processed sound). Another problem is reliability: if the laptop decides to crash or suddenly run a lot slower, then I haven't really got a leg to stand on (that said, my diagnostic skills have gotten better through years of pulling my hair out over computers and DAWs, so I'm confident I could address most problems).

Other than that, it seems like it'd be smooth sailing. Amps and cabs aren't without their fair share of problems too. As for the amplification, I would like to spend £200 on some lovely KRK monitors so this would be a good reason. My rig would literally just be a laptop and some KRKs.

Any thoughts?