Does being brutal make a band good?


Morgan Freeman
Feb 29, 2004
A lot of metalheads seem to consider brutality a virtue, extoling how heavy and extreme a band is. This really, really bothers me. I can record a jet engine, throw a bunch of distortion on it, and add some unintelligble grunting. That doesn't make it music. Bashing your head against a brick wall is pretty brutal, pretty insane, pretty extreme. But it's still stupid as fuck. Interesting melody and rhythm, creativity, instrumental/vocal talent, artistic vison and feelability (the degree to which you connect with the music) make a good band. Heavyness is merely a tool to make music interesting.

Agree? Disagree? Want some food?
Brutality for brutality sake is stupid, but some bands that are brutal and sensible at the same time are cool.
I always laugh when I read news items on Blabbermouth about bands saying that their next album is going to be "their most brutal yet" or something stupid like that. That generally pretty much means "it sucks". Brutality can be good when combined with good song writing and some hint of melody/groove. But brutality for brutality's sake (as someone already pointed out), is just plain stupid and boring.
I like brutalness in metal and I do consider it a virtue. If a band is brutal I can forgive it more if it is bad in other places. However a bad brutal band is still bad. When a band is brutal, writes good riffs, and has good vocals, I will like it a lot.
not always, but it helps. its seems like most of the melodic bands suck that includes all the gothenburg bands. thats right. i said it. espicially opeth. i use to like em but now i have devoleped a hatred to them now.
brutality definitely makes a band good. but there has to be some clever musicianship in their too, not just random noise. some of the older cephalic carnage stuff just sounds like stright up static to me.
Brutality doesn't make a band good. I would much rather listen to regular/old school death metal than that br00thal modern Unique Leader crap. However, I definitely do prefer death metal and black metal to traditional and power metal.
if a band is trying to be really really fucking brutal, then brutality for brutality's sake is exactly the point and therefore = good.

melody is overrated.

noise/dissonance >

edit: also i would like some tacos. chicken fajita w/grilled jalapenos.
AlphaTemplar said:
A lot of metalheads seem to consider brutality a virtue, extoling how heavy and extreme a band is. This really, really bothers me. I can record a jet engine, throw a bunch of distortion on it, and add some unintelligble grunting. That doesn't make it music. Bashing your head against a brick wall is pretty brutal, pretty insane, pretty extreme. But it's still stupid as fuck. Interesting melody and rhythm, creativity, instrumental/vocal talent, artistic vison and feelability (the degree to which you connect with the music) make a good band. Heavyness is merely a tool to make music interesting.

Agree? Disagree? Want some food?

Of course not. There are of course good brutal bands but brutality (just like technicality) are not in and of themselves musical virtues. They have to be used well.