Does Joey Widen Clean Vocals?


Music Producing Ginger
Jan 25, 2011
Is it just me or does it sound like on some Joey productions (in recent works, maybe old ones) that the cleans sound wider? Like covering the stereo field more? It could just be me. My vocals are centered, and sound great, just not as wide sounding. Perhaps he throws a stereo delay on there? His screams don't sound as wide, and thats when I realized this. Just currrrious. PS Perhaps this has been covered , so my apologies in advance,
It really depends on the production. The processing on vocals is always different with every album I've heard that he's done. Though, a lot of them in general are usually very layered. Stereo delay is a given though, as that's pretty much standard on a majority of his vocals because he doesn't like to use reverb on them. I'm sure he probably uses a doubler and widens them too as well.
Record multiple takes, pan/compress to taste (pretty much what everyone's said), and edit/quantize/time stretch them by hand.
olif8 said:
Why? I just believe in getting good takes to begin with, how is that retarded?

Some vocalists just suck, and cannot get three good takes. It's a shame but it's true.
Why? I just believe in getting good takes to begin with, how is that retarded?

cause why would you spend all that extra time to get the extra 1% that you can get by pressing a couple of buttons, just to get the exact same result either way? you could take that time you saved and apply it to something more important.
[UEAK]Clowd;9919064 said:
cause why would you spend all that extra time to get the extra 1% that you can get by pressing a couple of buttons, just to get the exact same result either way? you could take that time you saved and apply it to something more important.

I agree. Some vocalist will spend 5 hours getting 3 good takes for a whole song, and that's straight if you're charging by the hour but if you have to get shit done in the most efficient way, why not let something that's made to do it... do it?
Not to mention nothing is ever gonna be dead on in sync and vocalign will get it the closest it can be. Plus as we have all said a ton.....Its a huge time saver.
by the way... do they have vocalign for windows/cubase yet? a long time ago when i originally looked for it i remember it being either mac or protools only or something.