Does Solefald really smoke pot and like to wear womens clothing?


Oct 16, 2005
Funny picture

For anyone who doesn't recognize it it's the cover from their second album of course

boring. I dont think they do so. I just think your searching for allies to smoke pot and wear women clothes... :Spin:

hey karpsmom nice banner. I was 1st one with it :tickled: hehe
but your sig looks better just with one banner;) .or try to have them in the same size(open one with paint and shrink or seize up one of the 2)
if you cant manage this, ask me I would do it for you
They appear to be the same size now. I guess the guy who is hosting the Age Of Silence banner made it bigger! I usually would have one banner, but I really can't resist promoting both bands releases!
well these banner havent the same size.

do you use a direct link to the websites where you found the banners?
rightclick on the banners and save them on your desktop.then you can change them like you want.upload them free at hwere I host my banners and pics) so you can post and change all your pics everytime you want

The solefald banner I put on photobucket, but the AoS one I just linked from the site of the creator, look though! This is how the banners come up on my screen now! Same size!
