Does the act of Mattias of the Night and U[Sic]M annoy you?

Opinions of MotN and U[Sic]M..

  • Mattias of the Night is a fuck.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • U[Sic]M is a fuck.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • They are both fucks.

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • RealHazard is a humorless fuck.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Fuck is a ugly word.

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
I annoys me.
Does it do the same thing to you?

I´m maybe the Official Idiot but they are pair of unofficial cunts.
-Official Idiot has spoken.
Sir, your grammar and spelling is APPALLING and offensive. I understand you're Finish, but personally I believe that if you can't speak properly, you have no right to speak at all until you have learned how to do so. Now, I will be nice this time and correct your errors.

First of all, surely you don't mean that you annoy yourself? "I annoys me."? I know you're Finnish and therefore annoying, naturally, but that would still be a dumb thing to say about yourself. And even if that IS what you mean, the grammar is terrible. It should be "I annoy me" or preferably "I annoy myself". But what you most likely meant to write was "It annoys me". Which is also wrong because first of all, me and Sic are not objects and cannot be refered to as "its". I find this degrading and sexist or something. Furthermore, "it" can only be used for singular purposes. Me and Sic are more than one man, despite what The Gay In Flames Forum believes. We are plural. Therefore we are not "it" we are "they". So the final, correct sentence would be "They annoy me".

Wow, so much for one little sentence. So many errors, you really have to watch out! OK moving on to the next sentence "Does it do the same thing to you?". Here you are again treating me and Sic as ONE object. We are more than one, and we are not objects we are complex human beings with emotions and everything. "Do they do the same thing to you" would be better, but it still sounds idiotic. I would personally like to have seen "Do they bother you too?".

OK last sentence, "I´m maybe the Official Idiot but they are pair of unofficial cunts. ", is just terrible. I can hardly read it. "I'm maybe" is just so wrong that it makes me angry. You have actually made me angry! Yes, your GRAMMAR makes me angry! OK it's not THAT wrong, and I'm not that angry, but I would prefer "I may be" myself. There should be a comma after "Official Idiot". "they are pair" is totally wrong too and makes me vomit in pain and agony. We are not "pair", Hazardboy, we are "A pair". "A"!! So the final sentence would be "I may be the Official Idiot, but they are a pair of unofficial cunts.".

Other than those very few minor mistakes, your post was perfect!
They are both fucks, it annoys me, i don't even read their posts anymore. Someone tie their hands plz.
Hah-hah, yes, you showed him there, Mattias! However, I did notice another error in the Idiotperson´s post: "Fuck is a ugly word". This made me laugh. Almost so much that I fell out of my chair, and hit my head on the floor...almost. Luckily, I didn´t, and survived to write this post. Anyway, this is probably the most incoherent post I have ever read, mainly due to the poor grammar (which good sir Mattias pointed out) and completely nauseating english.

Hazard, you do not deserve to be corrected! If you are lucky, Mattias will correct the above error for you, but I wouldn´t count on it as it is so painfully wrong. An error like this is degrading to all human life, and in making such an obvious perversion of the english language you have possibly put the whole of mankind at risk of extinction.
Sadly, I forgot to include some things in my above post. I will remedy this now.

1. You use the phrase "the act" as if Mattias of the Night and I have only performed one act in our lives (which is, like, half an act each). I don´t know about Mattias, but I am eternal, I have been here since the beginning of the Internet (which, as you all know, is basically everything that exists) and I am sure that I have performed more acts than just one, or a half which you suggested. Then there is the question of likelyhood; is it likely that a person has a mere single act in his repertoire? No, it is not. If you want to convince people you must consider the soundness of your reasoning. The argument that the two of us have performed but one act is not sound. In fact, it is totally preposterous and counterintuitive.

2. This is a popularity contest, plain and simple. Which is very immature of you to post.
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Sir, your grammar and spelling is APPALLING and offensive. I understand you're Finish...

You know, it really does not aid you when dressing down the spelling of someone, you spell their nationality wrong...

In fact, one might say it makes you look like an idiot.

Nevermind. Personally I'm bored by this pair, but at least Mattias has added useful things to actual band conversation in living memory.
Mattias has been on the IF forum for ages. I remember going there over two years ago and seeing him there. He's hilarious, and Sic is funny too.

They are not annoying at all compared to some other posters I've seen.

I like them both. In fact, I like you all! *group hug*
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
You know, it really does not aid you when dressing down the spelling of someone, you spell their nationality wrong...

Here we go again. You people are always losing so miserably that you have to EDIT my words to make look bad. I find this disgusting and revolting. I know perfectly well how to spell "Finnish", do you think I'm an idiot? Is that it? Do you consider the best person in the world an idiot? That's impossible. You have clearly made a mistake.

Sic: I must say, those are some very strong words you speak. You know, if we set aside our differences (like the fact that you're really really ultra super gay, and I'm not gay at all, not one bit) and combine my bestness with your strong rhetoric (which, by the way, reminds me very much of Hitler back when he used his powerful mouth to hypnotize the entire country of Germany... of course, Germans are stupid so that can't be too hard) we could take over the entire Inter-net! We would call it the Matt-net.

mousewings: You are like a mother to me (a mother who's younger than I am), I love you so much, thank you thank you thank you.

All my fans: Without you I am nothing. You are my fuel! God bless you!

Now to make this an on topic thread, I think Final Resistance is a very wicked cool song!
For a start I can't edit your posts. If you're talking about editing quotes... well, its possible, but as people will notice the same spelling mistake in your post is still there its a bit immaterial.

Also, Final Resistance, while a good song, is one of the weakest off Damage Done IMO, and if you want a short, fast, shock of an opener, I much prefer Dreamlore Degenerate, and would of preferred the Treason Wall as an opener, with the Poison Well added - and then Final Resistance as a bonus track.
ok, after the first three hours of insane laughter i think i'm ready to take this thread at least partially seriously.

posting a poll in order to have others label someone annoying is not very mature, granted. replying with a message clearly inspired by diarrhea to point out somebody's every mistake is also quite childish, and a bit of a double-edged knife since everyone forgets the occasional comma and makes the occasional typo, nitpicker included.

now, of course i'm not even going to comment on the "they annoy me" matter - there are days when just the idea of waking up makes me want to vomit black bile on innocent bystanders - but i'd instead try to get a simpler message across:
what the fuck has gotten into you all?
once i thought we all agreed on trying to make this place a board devoid of 13-y-o specific pranks and flames, such as "today i shit a brick" and "who hates me more than i do?" this is just idiotic, and i don't give a fuck if all 57.897 posters are actually the same individual or joey de maio's bastard children.
don't throw back at me the usual complaints against thread consolidation or off-topics: if you all took the pain to read this board regularly you'll notice i couldn't care less about discussing final resistance over and over. you can post sixty thousand new threads no matter what your dreaded nickname is, but stop the flood of idiocy right this moment, please.
things written here ought to have some content. if you want to express how you feel after a particularly successful bowel movement you can have it engraved on your porch and invite your friends over.

Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
All my fans: Without you I am nothing. You are my fuel! God bless you!

He's right, it is more than enough with this guy's and U[Sic]M´s stupidity and then Realhazard comes and makes a thread about it, is it hard to merge thread rahvin? :p
Originally posted by Thanatos
He's right, it is more than enough with this guy's and U[Sic]M´s stupidity and then Realhazard comes and makes a thread about it, is it hard to merge thread rahvin? :p

it is harder to refrain from merging, believe me. :)
the thing is both mattias and sic are professionally trolling, and therefore prone to jump at the first occasion of stirring the cauldron some more. merging or deleting their stuff too much will only increase their level of fun since they'll have good excuses to bitch and moan a bit more.
sensible individuals would just decide to ask me to delete their latest inane stuff, but i ain't anybody's civic conscience: you can lead a troll to water but you can't make him drink. ;)

Originally posted by rahvin
ok, after the first three hours of insane laughter i think i'm ready to take this thread at least partially seriously.

posting a poll in order to have others label someone annoying is not very mature, granted. replying with a message clearly inspired by diarrhea to point out somebody's every mistake is also quite childish, and a bit of a double-edged knife since everyone forgets the occasional comma and makes the occasional typo, nitpicker included.

No, not me, ever.

Originally posted by rahvin

stop the flood of idiocy right this moment, please.


Rahvin I just want you to know that... you can always count on me to bring quality posts to this board. Forever! I refuse to sink to the level of discussing my bowel movements. I just took the best shit of my life 5 minutes ago actually, but do I feel the need to discuss this here? Certainly not! Rest assured, rahvin, I'll be here to keep the intelligence level high on this board.