When you have nuthin´nice to say about..

This isn't very hateful at all. :p

I still remember and dislike a certain forum member who called me out on board... over a slight comment I made on another board. What a tool; they did not have the guts to post it on the board where I made the comment. She(?) also kept swearing at me later on after I delibrately provoked her. The user was also supposed to be 30 and prided herself on being an intellectual (quoting poetry, Latin, literature). Very mature behaviour in trying to argue with a 16 year old knows her posts are not intelligent. I'm not trying to be. :p Oh well, few people on any boards like, or even tolerate me anyways... :p I go to the ones that do.

I also recall other users I hate for even worse reasons... but those are stories for other days. Yes, I felt like venting.
Originally posted by mousewings
The user was also supposed to be 30 and prided herself on being an intellectual (quoting poetry, Latin, literature). Very mature behaviour in trying to argue with a 16 year old knows her posts are not intelligent. I'm not trying to be. :p Oh well, few people on any boards like, or even tolerate me anyways... :p I go to the ones that do.

Rei did that? :eek: and she was always so sweet when she talked to me, I can't believe it.

Read between the lines, Thanny. :p :) I said I was 16 at the time... quite a while ago. I wasn't even on this board. Also the person now is probably over 30, so it's not Rei at all. :p :lol:

I'm also staying away from any board that certain member is on... :baah: so it's definitely not anyone here.
Originally posted by DeepInMisery
who said anything about hate? weird messages on the other hand... care to explain why you sent those?
I've sent you those because you had told me 'take all albums. Now'. I was amusing myself with you. End :lol: . And there's no hate :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll tell you.
My [bump!] literally means: "Look, people, what a curious thread!". It is not "Hey, wanna post here?". So Caelestia got me the wrong way. But I don't blame her. I am extreemely bad at expressing what I want to say.