When you have nuthin´nice to say about..

Yeah, man, I dislike that Hedon-fellow. He totally stole my idea! Here´s the story (and bear in mind, this was looong ago, waaay before any of you had even heard of Dark T...or perhaps even music):

Well, the boyz (the Dark Tranquillity-boys, that is) sat and tried to come up with a new name (Septic Broiler had not garnered them any success to speak of - well, there was this naked hobo who smelled like anti-freeze and menthol who kinda liked them, but he doesn´t count).
Then one day, when chatting to U[Sic]M, they revealed their new moniker: DARK TRANQUIL TEA. Secretly and to himself U[Sic]M reckoned it sounded like some new age tea-brand or something but exclaimed at once that their new choice for band name sounded a lot like the name of his as-of-yet unformed musical metal group to be: DARK TRANQUILLITY.
Needless to say, the band name was stolen (very much like Metallica stole their name from Brian Slagel or whoever that was who wanted the name Metallica for a brand spanking new Metal-magazine...and look how far Metallica came!)

And this is how Dark Tranquillity got their name...very unjustly, I might add.
I hate WB because he said that Ormir is russian..
he´s finnish-plak-metal-man, for fuck´s sake!
And I hate Mattias Of The Night.
i dislike everybody who has a better understanding of finnish than i have ... apart from that i love you all with all my might *tropf* :D

(maybe i dislike realhazard for having such a cute name, etoo ...)
Originally posted by lumi
(maybe i dislike realhazard for having such a cute name, etoo ...)

With my understanding, knowing what "etoo" means in finnish, the above sentence suddenly became rather funny. ;)

-Villain (feeling slightly better, tomorrow I'll join the more serious discussions - unless I get worse, that is)
Nice name you have, do mean with it the thing that falls (from skies) or that makes you fall?

NP: Satyricon - Du som hater gud
Originally posted by Melancholia

sometimes At the gates pisses me off with his "secretive" posts,but i guess he has realized that hehe on the other hand recently he made a surprisingly good post ......hmmmmm

~mel~ (ruuuuuude :p)

Sorry about that, I'll shut my mouth. What was the good post I made?

Btw, I have a new nickname.
good boy ;)
i was refering to your recent posts on the Crown forum (in the "executioner" thread)....
and also in the past a thread about your scholarship...woow....

Originally posted by Melancholia
good boy ;)
i was refering to your recent posts on the Crown forum (in the "executioner" thread)....
and also in the past a thread about your scholarship...woow....


What has my scholarship got to do with anything? I don't even remember posting about it. Glad you are impressed? though.

Glad you find my stance on Jons murder case to be the right one.

I know I bragged about knowing stuff thet noone else knew but the reason I didn't say anything was because I was told not to.
Originally posted by Tranquillian

I know I bragged about knowing stuff thet noone else knew but the reason I didn't say anything was because I was told not to.

that's what irritated us a bit, if you knew you couldn't say anything, then it was better not to brag about it ;) otherwise it seemed just like showing off, nothing else :)

fathervic (like to see tranquillian down on earth)
bubu I agree with FV (how strange :p ) about the bragging.....

as for your scholarship,you had mentioned it on the Katatonia forum if i'm not mistaken...a day you had bought all Cds at the same day.....maybe it was on the nightingale forum.....I was indeed impressed......congrats!
Originally posted by Melancholia
bubu I agree with FV (how strange :p ) about the bragging.....

as for your scholarship,you had mentioned it on the Katatonia forum if i'm not mistaken...a day you had bought all Cds at the same day.....maybe it was on the nightingale forum.....I was indeed impressed......congrats!

Oh you where impressed about the cds? Oh well, if I like a band I buy the entire discography within a short amount of time. Like recently with In the woods... (isn't that one of your favourite bands?).