Does the act of Mattias of the Night and U[Sic]M annoy you?

Opinions of MotN and U[Sic]M..

  • Mattias of the Night is a fuck.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • U[Sic]M is a fuck.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • They are both fucks.

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • RealHazard is a humorless fuck.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Fuck is a ugly word.

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by rahvin
it is harder to refrain from merging, believe me. :)
the thing is both mattias and sic are professionally trolling, and therefore prone to jump at the first occasion of stirring the cauldron some more. merging or deleting their stuff too much will only increase their level of fun since they'll have good excuses to bitch and moan a bit more.
sensible individuals would just decide to ask me to delete their latest inane stuff, but i ain't anybody's civic conscience: you can lead a troll to water but you can't make him drink. ;)


That's right, if you dare to even CONSIDER merging my threads, you'll release the fucking fury. You've been warned!

Are you an extroll rahvin? You know the psychology behind pro trolls so well!

By the way, I do NOT "bitch and moan". Ever! I was just joking when I said you'll release the fucking fury. Then I laughed at the joke, because it was funny. Like diz: :lol: Like dat: :lol:
@mattias: there were a couple of boards here on um that i thought were really naive and lame, so i trolled a bit on them, like, trying to heat things up and pointing out the most nerdish posts - for instance, two ppl that met each other there and started to date were all cute starting threads like "he cooks the best meals around" and such. i couldn't be as outright irreverent as i would have liked to be because it would have been all too easy to check where i came from and tell me to practice what i was preaching elsewhere.
see, i carry no grudge against sarcasm or some good-humoured trolling and in no way mean to single out you or anybody else doing some healthy mental gym on this board.
i merely wish for the dt forum to be so different from all the others to distinguish itself by a higher level of everything. i devote enough time and energy to this place to think i'm allowed to hope for the best: quality on-topic threads, quality off-topic threads, quality flaming threads and - why not - quality trolling. you do your job and i'll keep on doing mine: try to be funnier and i'll be more than glad to have foookin fooories unleashed. :)

Well, talk about this post backfiring, RealHazard?

Hah-hah, yes, Mattias! That was an idea most glorious. Of course, the fact that you are gay and I am not (which you have pointed out several times) does not deter me one bit in following through this plan. Obviously, you will have to learn to play the guitar properly (don´t worry, I´ll teach you) and probably undergo multiple sessions of reconstructive surgery. After this, though, I believe we will be a force to be reckoned with. And "Matt-net"? That was probably the funniest thing you have ever written. HA HA HA, I laughed so hard I almost laughed some more...and then some more again because it was so funny. Ha ha, "Matt-net", priceless indeed.

Hmmm, rahvin - troll made moderator. Indeed, the stuff of an epic tale of ascension.

I wish to take this opportunity to once again come down on RealHazard for making this thread. Once again, I am curious as to what you mean by "the act". As we have already gone through the absurdity of a person only performing one single act, I am now keen to direct attention to "the act". Which act? Is it the act of Mattias and I making everyone (including, unbeknownst to yourself, you) on this board feel warm and peachy inside? Or perhaps the act of us being really nice persons and overall unbelievably remarkable human beings? Do you see where I am getting at? Well, of course you don´t, so I will have to tell you. The point I am trying to make is that "the act", if not referring to a single act, is a very vague expression. If you do not specify which act it is that you are talking about, how do you expect people to know what you are talking about? This will cause people to ramble off-topic ad infinitum.

Mattias and I have now presented several (if not countless) arguments, with the slight aid of rahvin, to this threads total uselessness. The most crucial ones made by me (no offense to the others); incoherence and vagueness. We expect written apologies on rahvin´s desk by noon.
@sic: just one thing i'd like to add, and that is: i don't want anything more on my desk by noon. that is, it seems you and mattias have a lot of talking to each other to do, what with criticizing each other's posts and debating your sexuality and whatnot. can't you settle this via private message or on this thread alone from now on forever? i'm being selfish, but i read every single message on every thread on this board and i'd much rather like to check one hundred thousand "np: pazuzu - the distant grey sky just winked at my blood red underwear" than having to sort through another painful phase of your uneasy mutual courting.
besides, it's rather stupid to go all smart on realhazard only because i said this thread was a bit of an exaggeration... that was not the point of my replies, as you surely know. ;)

oh, and i was already a mod when i trolled on these boards. my ass was all warm and safe, contrarily to yours. :p

rahvin: You are - despite the laws of the universe and nature - the master of this domain and as such you have supreme power. Thus, I will obey and respect your decisions.

However, I must point out, that with "gay" I do not necessarily mean "homosexual", "fag", "queer", "Rob Halford", "Mattias of the Night" or any other such contemporary synonyms to "gay". Frankly, I am shocked that you would think otherwise.
Originally posted by rahvin
there are days when just the idea of waking up makes me want to vomit black bile on innocent bystanders

i knew you were a satanist, deep down inside (the mines).


Originally posted by U[Sic]M
However, I must point out, that with "gay" I do not necessarily mean "homosexual", "fag", "queer", "Rob Halford", "Mattias of the Night" or any other such contemporary synonyms to "gay". Frankly, I am shocked that you would think otherwise.

of course. i know very well you mean "happy", "light-hearted", "bristling with joy". :)

Fuck is an ugly word. Satana hurri! Is better...;)

And anyways, if someone is able to stir some life into the pot, he is of course welcome, from my side anyways. I guess a society needs new blood to keep from getting inbreed...This board will not turn into something bad, _for as long as the regulars don´t_ And my guess is it will be tidy in the future too ;) , just discuss in a good manner as we have always done, and stop all the bitchin´!

Well, my 2 cents anyway.

-phyros (bitch?)