Does the clipping like noise at the begining of Hopes Leaves bother you?

Between Ax and Me

New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2008
It gets to me. I think it is a bad way to start the song. The song is still awesome of course but why is that noise there?
That "noise" is the end of Closure. And no, it doesn't bother me, because I adjusted the rip for the MP3s I made from my CD and eliminated it from Hope Leaves, giving me a copy without it. So, if I listen to my MP3, it's not there. And for the CD, well, one song runs right into the other, so there is no "noise."
Everything about the way Closure ends bothers me. ^That's a good idea, I might just clip it out.

Actually, I think it's quite cool. I don't know what the real story is, but I see it as an homage to the Beatles. They did the same thing on Abbey Road, ending side one with I Want You (She's So Heavy), which went into heavy distortion and suddenly cut off. When you flipped it to side two, the incredibly calm and beautiful Here Comes The Sun is the first track. On the CD, the two run one right after the other, like Closure and Hope Leaves does, so you get this very abrupt and jarring transition.

Whether or not that really is the case, maybe only Mikael knows, but that's what I get out of it.
I thought was like closure... you know? CLOSURE. BAM. Shut the fucking thing. CLOSED.
Haha yeah that bothered me so much that instead of using the imported version from the CD, I downloaded a mp3 of it ! First time listening it through the headphones it scared the shit out of me.
yea, it bothers me alot tbh. and u cant just listen to the lamentations version instead cuz there you will hear some crack whore on drugs producing a pig squeal in the most fragile moment of the intro...