Does this make me a total douche?

Dazed and Brutal

Yall About to Witness
May 16, 2006
Winterless New Jersey
Yesterday evening I almost found myself in a street brawl with two grown men, mind you I'm 17. I did have 6 of my friends near by, but they were two serious lookin dudes wit cock rocket motorcycles. Either way it was started over a newport. The apprehension when something like this:

Two motorcycles pull up in front of Dunkin Donuts where I'm standing in front of smoking a Newp. One of the bikers, who was wearing some weird bike racing attire, precedes to walk over towards me. He is like about 3-4 inches smaller and only a slight bit bulkier than me.

Biker: He anybody got a menthol cigerrette (I was astonished somebody would ask in such a manner in the first place)
I than take at my pack of newports to check if I had enough to give this fiending man his cig. I find I only have three left so there was no way in hell this guy was getting one off me.

After he sees me take out the pack of newps.
Biker: Newports, perfect!
Me: That doesn't mean you're gonna fucking get one (I hate people who assume they're automaticly gonna get what they want)
Biker: Cmon man hook it up
Me: Hook it up? I only have three left
Biker: Cmon dude
Me: I don't fucking know you what says I should sacrifice the butt end of my pack for your ass?
Biker: To be a nice guy
Me: Who said I was I nice guy?
Biker: You smartass fucking punk! (He then gets in my face and I continue to smoke my cig blowing it away from his face of course)
Biker: How bout I punch you with these carbon fiber gloves (how nice, and what are your pants made out of?)
Me: How bout you backdafuckup (lalocaust)
The biker then backs a bit up spewing bullshit about the wrestling shirt I had one saying I was a spandex wearing faggot. And claiming that I was lucky he was on probation, which I am too, but I didn't need to prove anything to this prick. Then he's like you've never been locked up and been beatin up by cops. And I said because I'm not stupid enough to get in that situation. He continued to spew shit till he left. His friend didn't say anything, but he was the one I was worrying about. He had the most serious face I have ever seen. I know this guy flew off the handle a little. However I had instigated him. Should I have simply been polite about it?
eh, i don't blame your reaction one bit. however, much respect for not laying the guy out and proving you're just as big of an ass. much more responsible than id have been at 17.
i would have just given him a butt, tbh.

yeah i kind of agree, as i see it it's not like the last one is any better than the first one and i'm gonna have to buy more in the future anyway...sounds like you had a problem with his attitude but i gotta say taking out the pack after he asked around for cigs kind of implies "yes" so not giving him one after that is kind of mean, unintentionally perhaps. but the guy was clearly a douche from there on, if i were him i woulda just glared and walked away at that point.
you got a point. My reaction would have been to think you're an asshole, but in no way would have I threatened you for this. I would just walk away.
It was an asshole thing to do, and if I went back I would have given him a cig. I don't want to be a pushover, but when I get in a situation that could possibly lead to a severe ass beating I should be more aware of my tone and decision making. Yet I did come out victorious as he went off without a cig angry leaving me in no harm and one extra cig. I just hope my life isn't put in his hands some day
I guess :lol: People have used it as an excuse to denounce much of what I say, but more because I'm just a total douche (which should be expected out of a Junior in High School). I mean considering I have an easy time making friends and have a good amount of them (in real life at least) then there's nothing wrong with seeming older than I am.
You're a douche because you're smoking cigarettes. You're too young to start a lifetime of addictive tendencies. Cigs are a gateway drug. What's next? MARIJUANA?!?!? gaaahhh!
Seriously, people who insist on handouts are retards. Kudos for not giving it to him. Yet, pulling the pack out implies you're about to give him one. He was probably more embarrassed that you didn't give him one than anything else. He was just trying to look tough.
What's next? MARIJUANA?!?!? gaaahhh!

Lay off the green stuff, Jonathan! Some day when I'm dead, I'll be glad I didn't waste my life trying to be healthy when any number of things could go wrong any time now...

Or I'll die of cancer in two years and be fucking pissed at the opportunities I blew for myself.