Dominatrix Chicks at Club Inferno Thursday 1/23

Hey All...we're playing the grand Opening of CLUB INFERNO in Huntington Beach. There is a $50 cash prize for the best DOMINATRIX costume.

I sure hope some hot chicks show up in latex.

KNAC's Junkman will be there too spinning metal....

The Maidens are the only band on the bill doing TWO sets....

Hope to see ya there and tell all the DOM-Kinky gals you know to dress as a dom before 10 and get in free....
OooLaLa! Hey, come on down one and all and hang out and have a good ol time! There hasn't been a club like this happening in years!!!! Last one got so big they had to move it to Vegas!!! Metal tunes and drinks and live entertainment! Sounds like fun to me! Think I'll go! Oh, wait,.......I have to........;)
Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson
Hey All...we're playing the grand Opening of CLUB INFERNO in Huntington Beach. There is a $50 cash prize for the best DOMINATRIX costume.

So are you entering the contest? :D
I may wear a latex suit that night but the contest is for the customers not the entertainment... that wouldn't be fair...

As for whips...I do have alot of black bull whips from a previous promotion but that will be dangerious with a lot of drunk peeps whipping those like Indiana Jones...someone could take out an eye... handcuffs are fine as long as someone has remembered to bring the KEY!!!
Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson
As for whips...I do have alot of black bull whips from a previous promotion but that will be dangerious with a lot of drunk peeps whipping those like Indiana Jones...someone could take out an eye... handcuffs are fine as long as someone has remembered to bring the KEY!!!

Didn't Rob Halford used to crack his whip at the audience during his Priest days? I remember the BTM mentioning buttons that said 'I got whipped by Rob Halford,' which had a hilarious secondary connotation.
Originally posted by Doodoobubbachuck
Whips are allowed only if the NAAAHHHHHHHHH guy is there. :heh:

Fuck the whip! I'm bringing a Louisville Slugger! :D

Also, bullwhips in a club is REALLY not a good idea. I used to own a bullwhip when I was younger. You have to be EXTREMELY careful using those things. I once cracked the whip and got hit in the chest with a three-inch piece of leather that broke off the end and ripped through my shirt. I don't think I need to tell you that that hurt like a bitch! :eek:
Yeah, Astroglide probably wouldn't be a good idea. How about whipped cream? :saint:
Originally posted by smylex
Yeah, Astroglide probably wouldn't be a good idea. How about whipped cream? :saint:

Astroglide on the guitar neck? Hm, could get some real speed that way. Does nothing for the fingers, though. :lol: