Don't forget November 11th.

Bravo! i fucking love this thread.
Im not bothered by WPskins at all, thats their beliefs. Come on tho, running over punks who had nothing to do with their cause is gay. They always show up at the most faggiest of shows too, like Subhumans shows. That show was a fucking bloodbath because of them.

oh yeah, thanks Eisbar.

p.s. frenchy- Sham 69 coined Oi!
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I agree with celtik, i dont want to see my my race go under like the azteks
You are wrong. I suggest you look under the definitions. You are mixing race and civilization which are 2 totally different things. I am white and yes I'll stand for my region and for Europe. It doesn't not make me a racist. I appreciate anybody who has 1 ounce of respect for their culture and/or origins regardless where they are from and anyone who can show the same respect to others. For example, I would have a better time enjoying myself with a chinese or a guy from mexico proud of their culture rather than some dumbass redneck from Florida whose only pride are racial slurs that go back to the civil war. I could care less for skinheads and punks ... when the time comes and the call for arms resound ... we will see who will be ready to give their life for the Fatherland.
i agree with every form of nationalism, as long as it's in their own country..
for example : an islamic (or pro-arab) lobby in france or europe is not acceptable, a WP lobby in south africa isn't either... but, a nationalist german, or spanish or french,or palestinian in their land is totally normal, their fight for their culture in their own country is so fucking NORMAL, no one can critisize them for that, its a beautiful combat.
anyway, yeah, any normal human brain would realise that as long as society is as it is today, immigration wont cease to grow, like inter-racial breeding and the mixing of cultures, hence the destruction of these cultures (the european cultures are aimed especially)... i'm against this, simply because every culture is to be preserved, as part of humanities richness in general. mixing is loss. i dont want my culture to be lost.
i am not racist, i am nationalist and i want my people and my culture which goes with them to be preserved.

Thelastwithpaganblood where are you from already?
i'm from Paris as its said right under my avatar :p paris, France.
but i'm a only half french, and half american (my mama's american) so thats why i speak english so well, i mean so well for a frenchman knowing that french suck at speaking another language than their's.. actually they suck at speaking their own language too lol, cause its a hard one ;) but i dont feel american cause i never lived there and i dont have the mentality whatever it is... i feel more Norwegian than american cause my american side is of norwegian origin and cause there is no american blood as thrymfal had kind of described previously.. well i have norwegian blood, so i'm more norwegian than american ^^
but my nation is france, and i'll fight for europe!
My point exactly, if you were born in France you are french and not Norwegian, nor should you feel Norwegian, don't act like most americans who like to say, I am mix this and that and that and this .... point is ... born in France,m you are french, born in the USA you are american, don't come to me and promote some heritage that is not yrs. If it was meant to be, yr family would not have migrated to the US to the first place or to some other place for that matter.
what if you family is norwegian and you were born in lets say... italy. and growing up you hear mostly norwegian language in your home with your family. and brough up in a norwegian way of life. or some shit

i gotta disagree. whats in your blood and genes that matters. it goes back to the begining realy. if your parents and your grandparents ect.. are all directly from one country but you yourself are born in.... winsconsin on a vacation. it would make very little sense to go on promoting yourself as a cheese headed american.

and stop abreviating Yours with Yrs. yr is the abreviation for Years damnit ';..;' urs would be more suitable
i gotta disagree with you Belgar, a chinese guy born in france would never be considered french by me, simply because france is one of the oldest countries in europe, my ancestors spilled thier blood and sweat for the freedom of the french people, a chinese imigrant or son of immigrants cannot be considered french.. its pure logic... if i, white boy, was born in china, i wouldnt say "oh i'm so proud, my country (china) is the oldest civilisation in the world...", that would be so fucking stupid..
i have the right to feel norwegian, indeed i have norwegian blood, i feel close to norwegians, i differenciate enormously norwegians and swedish, unlike other people who say "they're the same".
someone is french if he has french blood, being french isnt just a word on a passport.
now tell me how is it that we deny white people's identity, them being part of a type of people, but not to others (an arab, a black person..), we encourage their pride in their people actually.. thats part of the hypocrisy in our society, well in mine at least, i see that all the time, its so fucked up.
and to answer to fereliminal, yes i'm a mix between celtic, latin and germanic races, like most white people, considering that the celts in europe were breeded by the romans and then by the germanic invaders. but i'm 100% european, and thats what i want to protect.
Celtik Militia said:
i gotta disagree with you Belgar, a chinese guy born in france would never be considered french by me, simply because france is one of the oldest countries in europe, my ancestors spilled thier blood and sweat for the freedom of the french people, a chinese imigrant or son of immigrants cannot be considered french.. its pure logic... if i, white boy, was born in china, i wouldnt say "oh i'm so proud, my country (china) is the oldest civilisation in the world...", that would be so fucking stupid..
i have the right to feel norwegian, indeed i have norwegian blood, i feel close to norwegians, i differenciate enormously norwegians and swedish, unlike other people who say "they're the same".
someone is french if he has french blood, being french isnt just a word on a passport.
now tell me how is it that we deny white people's identity, them being part of a type of people, but not to others (an arab, a black person..), we encourage their pride in their people actually.. thats part of the hypocrisy in our society, well in mine at least, i see that all the time, its so fucked up.
and to answer to fereliminal, yes i'm a mix between celtic, latin and germanic races, like most white people, considering that the celts in europe were breeded by the romans and then by the germanic invaders. but i'm 100% european, and thats what i want to protect.
this post reminds me of gay porn.
Hello! Heilsa! Failte! To introduce myself, My name is Suemas (shay-mus, 'James') Jenkinson (clans Gregor and Donald by association). I am a new member to this forum, i just joined this very day. It's nice to me you all im sure.. anyway...

Being born and rasied in Scotland and recently moving to Canada has taught me that for one, race and culture are each half the argument, when you move to a new land (Canada for example) it is preservation of your culture that is paramount, i would say that it is only fair to call yourself a Scot -not a race by any reach of the imagination- or a Somali or a Korean under those circumstances. When you accept or are assimilated by whatever culture you find yourself immersed in then you loose the true right to call yourself whatever you or your people once were... this is a terrible problem in all Europe, in part by the media and in my view utterly disgraceful in Scotland, a nation essentially ruled by a foreign entity with it's own interests at heart

just my 'two cents' as they call it.....
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
this post reminds me of gay porn.

you have no notion of "people". guys like me can't talk with those like you, ur too blindfolded.
and its so easy to say "ur gay" and shit, its really pathetic so many guys use this expression with no argument whatsoever.

Valföðrskin welcome to this forum.
the argument was pretty much done and over with from your second post. I respect your gaye beliefs, but you talk too fucking much, kid. Because in reality, no one fucking cares and nobody is going to listen to you. And speaking of talking with blindfolded people, arent you the fuckmo who said it was funny that Skins were running over people? It seems like your the blind one if you think taking away human life over a stupid ideaology is fine.

Man in your butt homeboy, man in your butt.

*edit: ahh Ive been spending way too much time on here lately. Its time for a break. Later guys.
no i'm open minded, simply because i was brought up in a communist family, and a democratic propaganda society, but i still found the way to develop my own ideas built on opening my eyes to the rejects of the society, those that governments and media corruption want to shut up: the nationalists.
and yeah its funny that skins run over ur fucking anarchists friends in their own territory, who are the fags now?
my "gay beliefs" as you say are those of your ancestors you dishonor. you'll find what i just said "gay" too but thats just what makes you weak. no pride.
This gay-thread-reply-thing just made me think of old 80thies rock

Remember: Whitesnakes "Here I go again " those were the days..

Now I can only say: "Here we go Again"...

:D :D
tsk tsk tsk...your not listening again

1. I said i wanted to leave, but you yourself keep on bringing this up. I know your angry because everyone hates the French, but get over it. seriously.

2. Nothing you say to me will change my beliefs, and vice versa

3. i have pride. i have pride in things I achieve, not that i was born into. I am a proud D-beat kid and I also like some Oi as well.

4. your talking to official numbskull ghoulunatic Marla the Cunt, ask Thyrmfal

5. You got all butthurt over me calling one of your posts gay. That made me laugh. Welcome to the internet, kid. Oh by the way, I went to a cockney rejects concert the other night and everyone beat the shit out of 4 WP skins. Its a nice viscious cycle, eh?

6. Anything Belgar says is probably cooler and wiser than anything you say. Ive accepted this, so should you.

7. I noticed that you posted something like that after i said that i was not going to be here.

8. You already told me you are not racist, that your nationalistic and whatnot. Thrymfal already made the point clear. The argument was done.

9. If you dont want your race to go down, then dontbreed withthe aliens like you said. As long as there are people like you, there will always be a pure race carrier in any form.

10. your a troll, and im replying to your troll crap. Your a lucky troll arent you?

11. you look for every excuse to bash my pals, even when it is not the point at all. You claimed not to be racist, frenchy. In this mistruth, i know i can no longer validate anything you say.

12. I noticed that everyone but me has stopped replying to your posts. They're catch on a bit quicker than me i guess.

13. Im asking my friendly moderater to lock this thread.


Marla S. Bhoorasingh, Lycanthopizer

p.s.- do not reply to this. I will not answer.
im sorry i just can't let that go lol
1. i'm not trying to convert you, that never was my intention with anyone here, its just that we talk about shit and this conversation happened to come along (maybe i encouraged it i admit:D).
2. i'm not racist, i respect every race (i know i gotta repeat all the time). i said i bashed my pals but its not just for the fact that they're black its cause they are scumbags and they fuck around with everyone. when they fuck around with me and my friends and try to control my neighborhood with their fluorescent colored clothes, we bash them with their wigger followers.
3. i reread what you said i dont see any valid point you made or any form of argumentation about dropping the argument without a little provocation on my behalf that obliged me to answer.
4. i dont hate either, i love my race, thats why i fight for it.
5. saying that i'm angry cause everyone hates the french is such a pityful thing to say. first of all ur american so it doesn't surprise me if you do, just go on eating your freedom fries and boycotting french restaurants. and i didnt notice any antifrench conversations in this forum. and me beeing french has nothing to do with this anyway.
6. i'll keep blabbling as long as you do. if you wanna stop just dont answer my stupid dumb ass arguments. (i'll always fight for the last word, thats cause i'm french ^^)
7. what the fuck are you talking about belgar for? i know he doesn't talk shit i respect him for that but he has nothing to do with this. maybe its cause i said once that i disagreed with him about something that you get all emotional about it.
8. you asking to lock this thread is exactly what happens all the time "a nationalist is speaking: dont let him talk.." freedom of speach plz!
9. i know i must piss a lot of people off about this, but thats why its fun, i like argumenting with you too, yes i'm a happy troll. i respect ur beliefs, they're not mine, hell then, whats the problem? can't we talk without dissing each other and saying that we're gay? the other "cool" members of this forum didnt diss me, they just set their point of view, i keep on blabbling cause ur here trying to bash me around.
10. i have pride in things i achieve too, my studies for example. i also have pride in what my people have achieved like anyone can have pride in what a member of his family has done. and yeah i have pride in what i was born into too. "thank God i'm born white" ;).
11. this thread will get too long if i go on, and then u'll say that i talk about shit that doesn't have anything to do with what we said previously again. but here i tried to coordinate my reply to ur post..

with much love,
Philippe Drieu, Celtik

PS: hoping for a response of yours my friend, peace ^^