dont judge on the album now wait and see


Mar 22, 2008
:heh::lol: i think that they took the same musical style of the black waltz album a big influnce of anttie but we must wait and see this the interview wich i didnt understand a word from it cuz i didnt speak finish so if there is any body to transalte i will be gratful

Well basically he said that title track is the best song to represent the new album stylewise and it also sounds a bit like the last album so it's also a safe choice. About vocals he said that on this new album they are using those new (and really old, they used deeper growls in Ancestor too) vocals and older more higher screams (from first 3 albums) on the new album and they will also combine them (something higher death metal growls and/or deeper screams I quess). He thinks that vocal perfomance on the FTR is absolutely their best and so are songs though it's a cliche to say so.
but in black waltz album the black waltz wasnt the best song aint ?

That's not what he meant. he didn't say that the title song on every album is the best song on the CD, he was stating how "for the revolution" was said to be the song that best represented the album as a whole, not nescessarily that is was the best song.
That's not what he meant. he didn't say that the title song on every album is the best song on the CD, he was stating how "for the revolution" was said to be the song that best represented the album as a whole, not nescessarily that is was the best song.
Yes, he means it represents the overall style and mood of the album best and it's also like a bridge between TBW and FTR. Usually the sample song is not the best song on the album. If they would have released a song which represents only one side of the album (for example a possibly song with old vocals only or new vocals only) it would give you a wrong impression about the album. So they have chosen a song which represents the all styles of the album.