Don't listen to AFDTE...

Diamond Dave said:
When you're driving back from a gig along the motorway at midnight, having been up for 19 hours.

I got through Pressure before the eyelids started to get droopy.

youre taking the backliner image of the cd way too seriously mate, next you'll be walking into the sea with all your clothes off

relax like
i think that album is pretty good to listen to in the car, and how can anyone not like Pressure?? it's a fantastic song, the guitars nearer the end are wonderful
Clinging on to a mug of coffee is indeed the best bet while you're listening to that album. Release, Barriers and Temporary Peace are disturbingly good though, they usually wake me up.
Andy_2003 said:
only 3 and a bit years...
think 3 and a bit years ago I was in Switzerland and it was nice =) (apart from that shitty atom-safe underground hole where we had to spend our nights 'cause it was free... :ill: don't try such a thing... NEVER!)