Don't listen to AFDTE...

the first time i heard AFDTE was a cassette from a friend, what just didn't have Temporary Peace on it, so it didn't have the thingies after it neither :cry:
as I remember I got to know only months after this, that there's one more song :lol:
Loona said:
the first time i heard AFDTE was a cassette from a friend, what just didn't have Temporary Peace on it, so it didn't have the thingies after it neither :cry:
as I remember I got to know only months after this, that there's one more song :lol:

HIHIHI :lol:
I just want to warn you that it will be an expensive one to make me drunk only with vodka... after about 6 or 7 deciliters I will maybe, so come on ;) <- wahh the little vodka drinker...
(just to tell you I still don't drink shitty things like Kalinka or Royal :yuk: )
by the way the best thing you should try while ur drunk is to say 'felelevenítés' :lol: never succeeded :lol: :lol:
Fenre said:
eh? would that be now, by any chance?
oh my, you want to see me drunk? or him making me drunk? :ill: well that is funny I guess :lol:
we'll organise a meeting when I'll go to Finland for the university (it's still closer to you than Hungary) and we'll get drunk ;)
Loona said:
by the way the best thing you should try while ur drunk is to say 'felelevenítés' :lol: never succeeded :lol: :lol:


There's a word I always fuck up, though I don't know right now which one, but it's in my unconscious.

I also noticed I keep mixing up L and R lately.
Loona said:
oh my, you want to see me drunk? or him making me drunk? :ill: well that is funny I guess :lol:
we'll organise a meeting when I'll go to Finland for the university (it's still closer to you than Hungary) and we'll get drunk ;)

both. and finland (me be guessing you're going to the southern parts of it) is still miles upon miles from where I'm living.