Double coffee

Don't knock it till you try it, seriously. It's awesome. Coffee with no sugar is terrible, unless it's that American watered down piss coffee tea (well, then it's also terrible, but because it's almost homeopathic coffee).

@Joe: seriously, I totally admit to the joke being crap, but where is the engrish? :lol: Can't find anything wrong there :(
:lol: It's just a very badly worded sentence..

Or being able not to wear your habit when spreading cp!

"Or not being able to wear your habit(:confused:) when spreading CP."

Not to mention wtf is a "habit"? I mean, what article of clothing can you wear that's called a "habit"? That's what threw me off more than "Or being able not to wear" :D
No, I didn't mean 'not being able to', I meant 'being allowed not to', really. A habit is a monk or (in this case) a priest's characteristic clothing... yeah, the joke is *that* bad, hence the wording :(.
Caffeine content in two ounces (americanfags please translate that to real units) of espresso: 100 mg

Caffeine content in eight ounces of black tea: 45 mg

in other words:


Also, that suggests a recipe for making N-ARY coffee!

I conjecture the caffeine concentration tends to a constant as N increases to infinity.

Don't knock it till you try it, seriously. It's awesome. Coffee with no sugar is terrible, unless it's that American watered down piss coffee tea (well, then it's also terrible, but because it's almost homeopathic coffee).

@Joe: seriously, I totally admit to the joke being crap, but where is the engrish? :lol: Can't find anything wrong there :(

No, insulting your masculinity from taste isn't being facetious, insulting America every time you post is frivolous.
Listen, i can't do anything about our units of measurement and quantification :lol: "The metric system? That's just Un-American." Say it out loud with an inbred southern US accent; that's the crisis on our hands. Now in regards to coffee, don't we get our beans from South America? Like Dunken Donuts and Starbucks, that shit has got to be imported. Maybe it's our method of coffee brewing that fails ::shrugs::
Coffee with no sugar is terrible


Good coffee only gets fucked up by sugar. Cream is acceptable, but sugar makes is taste like shit.


Fixed :p

As far as caffeine content goes, nobody drinks black tea for caffeine, lol. :lol:
Black coffee is superior. No better laxative early in the morning, i swear to god :lol:

Yeah, It usually goes like this: I go take a piss, have my morning coffee, go have my morning smoke. When I am halfway through the cigarette I need to shit so fucking badly!!!