Double coffee

Don't knock it till you try it, seriously. It's awesome. Coffee with no sugar is terrible, unless it's that American watered down piss coffee tea (well, then it's also terrible, but because it's almost homeopathic coffee).

Well ocasionally I can slip in a bit milk but regular coffee with sugar is pretty much arse IMO.

I might have to try what you are having just to have a just opinion and that I MIGHT like it :p
I also don't really like hot cocoa. I will drink anyone of the three occasionally but it's not until everything else has ran out.
I usually drink something when I'm thirsty, and living in Florida, I'm usually thirsty because it's hot. I don't want to drink anything hot in the heat. Or anything that taste like death either, can't forget that.
Well, In that case it's different I guess, but after a hard days of work there is nothing like a cup of coffee, shower and later on a icecold beer!
lol, I survive off of Monster and fruit juices. I don't like soda either because I don't like the acidic feeling on my teeth.
^ Excuse me sir, but you need to stop being a pansy.

Yeah I don't get that coffee making you poop thing, either. It just makes me have to piss really bad like 28 times. And it IS true that everyone here makes shit coffee. It just tastes like dirty water. Everyone always complains that the coffee I make is like mud, but I maintain that I simply want my coffee to actually taste like coffee. But I do put some cream and sugar in it.
^ Excuse me sir, but you need to stop being a pansy.

Yeah I don't get that coffee making you poop thing, either. It just makes me have to piss really bad like 28 times. And it IS true that everyone here makes shit coffee. It just tastes like dirty water. Everyone always complains that the coffee I make is like mud, but I maintain that I simply want my coffee to actually taste like coffee. But I do put some cream and sugar in it.

28 Urinations later...
^No I was talking about the soda acid thing haha. But actually, monster's are even worse, so I don't really understand your logic. D=

Not all soda, just stuff like coke and pepsie. I can't turn down orange soda or sprite lol. Idk if you guys know what Jones soda is, it may only be a florida thing, but they have this green apple soda and it's fucking king. :kickass:
This is my only source of caffeine.