Download Power of Omens 'With These Words'!

Thanks Walter!!!
I'm glad you understand why I did what I had to. I take music serious, and having to deal with a few jerks is not worth my time. Which is why I feel so much comfortable here. ;)
By the way, our own P of O board will be up and running in a few days. :)

My evil ways!! My friend was 'round at my place last night, and I subjected him to all four PoO (lol not the best name in the world to abbreviate I'll use the "P of O" thing) songs.
He absolutely loved it!

Good news about a "P of O" board. Will it be here on UM, or elsewhere?
No problem at all. The way he saw it, and the way I saw it, was I was doing him the favour by introducing him to your stuff.

Come and play in England soon!!
I can guarantee you at least two people will show up.
Come to think of it, there's a pub that has an 'open mic' slot I could get you in......:grin:
i wont tell you anything about how great you are, cuz you've already been told that, but i have to ask.. can you anyhow influenc on decision where will you play next (?) year if you are going to play in europe? it would be cool to see you anywhere near croatia... and on wacken festival would be cool to :rock:
I think we need to send all these comments to the label, maybe that'll help encourage them to support some touring..hehe ;)
Thanks for the cool comments :cool:
Well, at the moment we have no idea where we would play...I personally would LOVE to play Wacken or even the Bang Your Head Festival. Of course, being in Europe for a festival, we'd love to make our time there more useful, so a small tour would be something we would like to consider. Any idea for some cool places that would bring in a decent sized crowd?? ;)

lady of smth :lol: / dave i think you should change your label, or send that coments togeather with your albums to insideout music, i think they would like to have you in their catalogue :cool:

as for nice places which would bring decent amount of people i dont know, maybe Munich, Vienna, Budapest.. togeather with Evergrey or Pain Of Salvation :rock:
seeing that this topic has been up so long i figured i might as well chime in with what i feel.

personally i dont like Power of Omens. i downloaded a couple tracks, and the new one as well, but i dont see why so many people like the stuff. I think the music is great, but i HATE the singing. It just makes me cringe, its not something i could get used to as many people say. Same goes for Jag Panzer and Tad Morose. The music is cool but i cannot stand the singing.

oh well, thats just my honest opinion.
Thanks for the post Soul,

Unforunately, our music is not for everyone. There are allot of people who do not like us for one reason or another. For some it's the singing for others it's the drumming. We never write music to please everyone, because we know that's impossible. So we write to please ouselves...and we're just fortunate enough to have others enjoy what we do as well. We're grateful that you've given it a try, but understand if it's not your cup of tea. ;)
