downloading vs buying


black halo
Oct 28, 2001
Surrey, UK
who downloads most of their music and who buys it??
i have to say that i buy and downloading annoys me. its fine if its just the occasional song, like a rare track that u cant find anywhere else, or if you want to sample something by a band becoz ur not sure if you will like them, but i dont see why ppl need to download entire albums!!! this is what my sister does - she has whole katatonia, opeth and my dying bride albums downloaded.:mad: isnt it better to buy the album? that way you not only get the track order/artwork/lyrics etc as the band wanted them to be, but you are giving money back to the artist so that they can make more music in the future....

i dont understand it....:confused: what does anyone else think?

(not having enuf money is not an excuse - if u have a computer and sound card and internet connection and speakers etc to play the downloaded music, then u have enuf to buy the album)
I used to download songs that you can't get on cd, and a maximum of 3 or 4 songs to find out what a new band sounded like... If I liked it I then bought it... So buying for me. I still have 6000 mp3's tho :D Then the fuckers took away my free internet :bah:
I agree I buy albums, that way you are helping the band out by supporting them and stuff=) I personally do not like it when people download entire albums of bands they do listen to..... If you like 'em so much why not just buy the album! That's just my way of thinking i guess:)
i download and burn and im rather ashamed of it :cry:
there are hardly any death/doom/black metal stuff for sale around here and it sucks ass.. i am NOT happy about it :mad:
dont yell at me.. its painful to even think about it..
but i plan to eventually buy the cds when i go to greece this summer and when i go to uni in england.. i have already sworn my oath to do so and i dont need any more badgering from u ppl.. :cry:
I think its ok to DL songs in if u wanna see what a band are like, or if a song off a new album is ne good.

This way u can decide if u want to buy the album, and also means that you might discover some bands/music that ud otherwise not know of.

So as long as its used in moderation, and as a way to discover and try out new stuff its fine.

Plus there is live stuff u wouldnt otherwise be able to get hold of.
I d/l whole albums (like 1 or 2) if it's a band I'm checking out... I can't judge a band by 1 or 2 tracks... If I like it, I buy it... I'm 100% for buying music but I hate nothing more than buying an album only to find out that it totally sucks (or isn't worth my money)... Now, if it's a band that I already like, I just go ahead and buy it... (Like Opeth... I saw them live and loved it, so I went out and bought BWP... Before I went to the show, I d/l'd 1 or 2 songs and frankly, it didn't do anything for me but if I had d/l'd an entire album I would've found them awesome... Alas, I didn't need to...) If everybody did this, I don't think anybody would question d/l'ing music, but unfortunately not everybody does like me, heh heh...
Being serious now (again :lol: ), I also download to get a taste for the music and then I buy. I'm lucky to live by Chicago, there are plenty of great record sotres.
Yeah, there's only one decent music store in Charlotte (that I know of - Manifest) and I don't know many people that like my type of music (1 or 2 - MAX) so d/l'ing is perfect for finding and enjoying good music...
I've been trying to tell you people, great pizza, RC Cola everywhere, and tons of metal record stores, not to mention again, free copies of The Onion. Chicago is THE place to be anti-social.
I download about 8 songs from an artist to samnple their work and throughouly explore their style. If I like what I hear I buy the album and once I buy an album from an artist I don't download any songs from that artist unless it's a rare bonus track or something from an album I already have that I don't want to buy again just for that one song.
I usually download a few songs from an album or band to determine if I like it. If I like it, I buy their albums. I don't have any money at the moment therefore I haven't been downloading any mp3s lately. I am all for supporting the artist and have an ever-growing cd want list.

On the other hand, I download a lot of lossless(not mp3) live albums of Pink Floyd etc. and do a lot of live tape trading. They aren't studio releases and are rare finds. I think it's a great way to explore new bands as I am developing quite an impressive trade list. I buy the officially released albums if I like the bands. I never sell any live stuff like those fucks on eBay selling Opeth videos etc.

I am all about exploring new music and supporting bands. It's a shame that people download full albums and never intend to buy the original. Having the real cd in your hands is much better than a cd-r. You can read the lyrics and look at the artwork and know that you helped keep that band around a little bit longer to produce more great music.