downloading vs buying

Originally posted by Silent Downfall
when you buy a cd you give money to the record label not the artist.

maybe or maybe not. but if u dont give money back to the record label, they could drop the band, thus the band no longer have the financial backing to record/tour etc.
I'm very similar to Yayo Gakk. In the last 2 years i have bought around 200 CD's online. I have to buy online because honest to god there is pretty much no stores in western canada that sell metal CD's. So there's say 20 bucks a CD x200 = 4,000 fucking dollars on CD's!!!! so it's not like i don't buy... but i listen to so much music i download and burn like twice that much and i download full albums. But i do buy my favorite band's stuff. i own all of Opeth's releases and most of Dream Theater's. I try to make sure i buy at least one album per band that i listen to. And honest to god there is no way i would have spent that much on Cd's if i hadn't downloaded first. If i didn't get into MP3 dowloading i would still be buying only grunge and nu metal and alternative stuff, and even pop. So as much as i "steal" i know i would not have spent even fucking close to that much without all the stuff i have just downloaded.

Also i burn my own "best of" albums of every band with 2 or more albums released and i have heard all of their albums. Some bands require 2 or 3 best-of's because they have so many good songs hehe. For example here's some of the best of's i've made.

Neil Zaza
Andy timmons
Metallica - early days
Metallica - prime years
metallica - new shit
In Flames 1
In flames 2
Ebony Tears
Liquid Tension Experiment

etc etc etc!! I didn't make an Opeth best of because i find those albums really do need to be heard as a whole and most have no skippable songs.
I had to stop buying CDs because it was becoming a dangerous addiction for me (as in leading me to bankruptcy). Long before I could download, I limited myself to only buying CDs when someone gave me a gift certificate or when I got some unexpected cash (like those awards I won a while back). Or when it was something really special.

Now that I can download I stick to those rules just the same. So I buy the same number of CDs but because I download stuff, I have access to a lot more music than before. Like a lot of you, I might download some songs or even a whole album to decide whether I want to invest in the CD or not.
But I also get tonnes of promo CDs for radio play and review (like 27 within the last two weeks), so that eliminates some of the need. The stuff that I don't buy or get a promo copy of I'll download, and I usually burn it to CD so I can give the band some radio play and earn them some royalties. (Some bands actually encourage me to do this to save them from sending me a promo CD.)
i don't like cradle of filth as people, so i downloaded all of bitter suites to succubi and burnt it onto CD. take that Dani!!! :p :p
Will buy it if I hear good things about it from friends, but will sample their style first just to make sure.

Then I'll also just listen to mp3's to see what a band sounds like that I've never heard, just to find new music. If I like it, I'll buy it.

Won't burn CD's though, mainly because I kind of like having the full packaging.

Now bonus tracks released on albums I've already bought (which really does piss me off, I mean, their long term fans buy the album when it comes out, and they just screw them over by doing this) are fair game. I'll be fucked if I'm buying it again just for one track.