DR strings


Jan 25, 2006
Hey, So.. I changed strings on my Jackson RR5 yesterday. It's my first time with DR. When I first got the strings on I tuned them to D standard.. cause I was playin bodom:Spin:

Anyway, It haven't got out of tune since I tuned for the first time. :D I like those strings:p

Does anyone possibly know why the fuck there is this big difference.. all I know is they're hand made or something:p
DRs arent that good....the only reason why they seem to last so long is because they are never bright sounding in the first place.
BloodyScalpel said:
I second jack's post.

imo.....D'Addarios all the way.

:worship: :worship: :worship:

I never bought a pair of Ernie balls for my guiatar, but In know the make shitty bass strings.

MY guitar came witha pack of Earnie Ball Beefy Slinky....and Im hesitant to use them.
Some people like them and some people don't.

I have been using them for about 6 1/2 years now and I love them. There's not too much to them other than the fact that they are hand-made. They just have a round core, nothing special. I never have customers complain about them and I always suggest them to people.

D'Addario in my personal opinion are the cheaper route. Not as cheap as GHS but cheaper than Ernie Ball. Ernie Ball are good strings but I don't like them as much as DR. Though, I never tried Blue Steel because I'm not really a Dean Markley fan. I mean, c'mon now...Skullbuster Misfits strings? How fucking retarded.

I type too much when I just wake up.
i heard D'Addarios' are kind of buzzy, in 2 weeks i'm getting some new string and downtuning to C, i'll probably get some ernie ball 11s
Cofee_Annihilator said:

motherfucking emos!!!!!

go motherfucking listen to some motherfucking my motherfucking chemical motherfucking romance motherfucker!!!!

^^^thats what alexi would say