DragonForce album #5

Gonna keep the album thoughts going :)

Over the past few weeks I've been able to give this many spins and I'd sum it up as a great improvement in DragonForce's direction. Losing ZP was the kick up the arse they needed I think. They've written songs which accommodate Marc's better vocal range and think they've done a good job showing off what he can do (I mean look at the very beginning of the album :p). Even more importantly I think they've taken on-board criticism about the sameness of their song and have injected a lot more melody into the songs. Sure there's still a lot of fretboard wanking and effect-laden guitar wails but I think they cut back on the length of them. Herman Li said "this is by far the most diverse DragonForce album yet" and I'd probably agree with him for the most part. You've got great melodic and catchy stuff like Cry Thunder which hearkens back to Valley of the Damned but keeping the raw energetic speed of Sonic Firestorm mixed in with the electronica-y sounding keyboards of Inhuman Rampage and Ultra Beatdown.

Still think there are places where things sound same-y, some bits of the melody sound like they could've been done better and I doubt some of the vocals could be replicated on-stage...but seeing as I used to be a big BIG fan (to my eternal chagrin) and then went off them big time this album has done enough to rekindle a small bit of affection and I do find myself replaying the album sometimes. Good work DF, not bad.
I agree with what Dom said as well. I'll also testify to Marc's live abilities - that man can sing and he fucking KILLS live! Would love to see Wings of Liberty performed at some point, or Last Man Stands because of how catchy it is.

Definitely an album I still go to. Like Dom, I used to be a *massive* fan then got turned off for a long time, so it's nice that this album helped bring me back a bit. They said they wanted to make album #6 in the near future so hopefully they're already writing something! Really want to hear more songs like Give Me The Night.
I agree with what Dom said as well. I'll also testify to Marc's live abilities - that man can sing and he fucking KILLS live! Would love to see Wings of Liberty performed at some point, or Last Man Stands because of how catchy it is.

Definitely an album I still go to. Like Dom, I used to be a *massive* fan then got turned off for a long time, so it's nice that this album helped bring me back a bit. They said they wanted to make album #6 in the near future so hopefully they're already writing something! Really want to hear more songs like Give Me The Night.

Same here, 'Give Me The Night' is a fantastic song and it's a shame they don't appear to be playing it live.
Same here, 'Give Me The Night' is a fantastic song and it's a shame they don't appear to be playing it live.

Agreed, and I find it equally bizarre they opted to play Die By The Sword instead, which seems to go against their 'take me seriously' attitude. Oh well... hopefully they decide to bring it in on their next tour.
They said they wanted to make album #6 in the near future so hopefully they're already writing something!

And when exactly did they state this, random UM forumer who I have most certainly never met anywhere else on the internet before? ;)
And when exactly did they state this, random UM forumer who I have most certainly never met anywhere else on the internet before? ;)


They said it (or rather, Marc said it) near the end of the show in Milwaukee when I saw them a few months ago. Can't remember the exact wording, but it was along the lines of, "We hope to be back here real soon with some new material, so look forward to that.'

That could've just been some bullshit line basically saying 'hey the next time we'll be here will be when our next album comes out' but the way he said it seemed to hint at some new stuff coming a lot faster this time.