DragonLady1 WHERE ARE YOU!???

I just made this thread because I havent heard from DragonLady1 in a LOOOOOOONG time! She hasn't posted in a while!

I think SHE is so HOT! She is definitely THE (type) of KATATONIA female fan that I would love to have a long term relationship with and have lots of casual sex to KATATONIA!


Where are you my black hair, black dress, passing bird?
I should be jealous.. but i'm in a generous mood.. here's a live pic

most people have black hair on black-and-white pictures. :)
Chant it's name and the Pheonix will return, reborn from it's ashes setting the sky ablaze with it's beauty!

So you have returned to the forum Caroline, where the hell have you been?

You like Septic Flesh AND love dragons, you were made for ME! We have a lot in common. Anyways I haven't seen you post up in a while so I figured I'd summon...err post a thread with your name! You really took this picture after banging? Damn, then you look gorgeous after sex!
I wouldn't think it's her who took a picture about herself from 2 meters behind while the band was playing.. :) I made this pic about the band as well as others, and this one has some of the audience on it.
BTW, aren't you a little bit offensive? ..anyway, it's not my concern. Cheers,