Dream Band

well to behonest thats wasnt realy a joke i can create that music i like without wankers telling me they dont like that. so shut it wanker boy and i couldnt be botherd to read all the pages on this as i have better things to do with my life than be a opeth fanboy
cuntface said:
well to behonest thats wasnt realy a joke i can create that music i like without wankers telling me they dont like that. so shut it wanker boy and i couldnt be botherd to read all the pages on this as i have better things to do with my life than be a opeth fanboy

Woah....hostile much?
I like Lady Valerie's method. SUPA BANNNNDD!!

Mikael Akerfeldt
Bruce Dickinson
Warrel Dane
Hansi Kursch
A really good female singer that I probably haven't heard yet. I've heard many average ones.

Dave Murray
Jeff Loomis
Tony Iommi
Mikael Akerfeldt
John Petrucci

John Myung
Geezer Butler

Mike Portnoy
Van Williams

It would have to be some sort of one album only deal, with a different style and combonation of musicians for every song. One song might have Hansi, Dio, Bruce Dickinson, Iommi, Murray, Butler and Portnoy, another would have Warrel, Akerfledt, Loomis, Petrucci, Myung and Williams.

I know I'm not really as varied or underground as a lot of these lists, but whatever. I don't need to explore just yet. Metal is kind of tired to me anyway.

Haha, I said CombOnation again. It's STAYING.