Dream Theater fans?

Vylance X

The 9th Prophet
Sep 15, 2001
NE Ohio
For those who listen to DT, what's your favourite album/song so far?

Album: Metropolis pt 2: Scenes From a Memory
Song: Lines In The Sand and/or 6DoIT (song)

Also, how are you anticipating 6DoIT? I couldn't wait for it and downloaded the album from AG. I must say, it doesn't catch you first, but after the 30 spin test, you learn to love it.

January 29, 2001 (US release)

Boo ya!

P.S. How many of you used to love extreme metal (death/black) and have grown out of it? I have. Now there are only a few bands who I can stand anymore in those genres. It's mostly prog and doom for me now.
you know, it pains me to say this, but i'm really starting to go away from DT... i loved those guys as much as anyone, but they are going way out of control...seems to me like they're trying to impress everyone with their wizadry and not their songwriting...it was pretty aggravating to pick up the live DVD and see petrucci play the most tasteless speed solos over that female's vocals...

seems like they want to impress the guitar/drum magazines more than they want to write good songs...

and what's with them being one step behing fates warning all the time? fates comes out w/ a 20 min. tune, they release a 23 min. one. fates releases a song as a whole album, dt does the same...i don't know i'm real skeptical about them...

your onthe ball...

Everyone likes em I hate em, yeh tehre shit hot in technique but no fresh ideas...

ther copies..
I must say that after jordan rudess joined they have picked up after the loss of kevin moore

my fav album was Scenes From A Memory.. but Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence kicks it's as...

It's not jsut about speed as previous posters say... check out misunderstood and blind faith..

pure musicians. they write better than most shitty bands today who are just trying to be evil.
> A man didn't understand how televisions work, and was convinced that
> there must be lots of little men inside the box, manipulating images at
> high speed. An engineer explained to him about high frequency
> modulations of the electromagnetic spectrum, about transmitters and
> receivers, about amplifiers and cathode ray tubes, about scan lines
> moving across and down a phosphorescent screen. The man listened to the
> engineer with careful attention, nodding his head at every step of the
> argument. At the end he pronounced himself satisfied. He really did now
> understand how televisions work. "But I expect there are just a few
> little men in there, aren't there?"
> - Douglas Adams, as retold by Richard Dawkins in "Lament for Douglas"
Fav Album: Scenes from a Memory
Song: maybe Lines in the sand, that has my favorite Petrucci solo, A Change of Seasons is up there, Metropolis pt 1

Yeah i heard you could d/l it from AG, haven't got around to it....probably just end up waiting for it to come out, with my computer that's about how long it would take to d/l anyways heh
Well Dream Theater is one of my favourite bands and I can understand why people are bashing them playing complex stuff. But still I´m always impressed when they release a new album, BTW the new 6DoIT shows their songwriting skills more than playing complex stuff, so check it out, it´s bound to make it my favourite album yet...
id have to say "scenes" is my favourite album by DT.

Ive heard glass prison and its great but it seems to have a different feel to the others, ill have to wait until it come out to here the 2cd set potential masterpiece. \m/:D
I am looking forward to John Petrucci's Solo Album! I heard many good things about his playing at the G3, must be very impressing AND emotional!
btw; I think that Dream Theater are caught in their style of writing songs, just think of the confusion when they released "Falling into Infinity", everyone was wondering what happened with their virtuosity and progressive writing. But I think that their music is very emotional, not only the ballads, but also the heavier songs...at least they are for me.
I'm gonna second the vote for Awake. Scenes is close behind. Falling Into Infinity sucked because their label pressured them to make it more radio-friendly until they finally caved. Ironically, it is their worst-selling album also. I'll have to download the rest of the new one. I've heard 2 songs, 1 was good, the other sucked, so hopefully the rest will be good.
favorite album - images and words, though i think awake might actually be the better one overall
favorite song - space dye vest
Falling Into Infinity sucked because their label pressured them to make it more radio-friendly until they finally caved. [/B]

I don't really remember this issue... The least I know is a producer Kevin Shirley gave them some ideas to change parts of some tunes in the recording.

My best album is "Awake" and my best song is "Scarred". However my special album and song are "When Dream And Day Unite" and "Metropolis part 1". They are my best band (besides NVM and Sanctuary) since they released WDADU.

NP: Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
i have to agree with Godamn Guitar about the bashing thing, but ive always felt that DT were not for the average music listener. i think DT are more for the people that actually play an insturment or just love and i mean LOVE great technical playing. i think alot of DT fans take some sort of an inspiration from their music, which i think is the way it should be. im not an expert but i think Joe Satriani and Steve Vai need to scoot over on the guitar players bench and let John Petrucci have a seat, the man is freaking awesome. think about it what was the last cd either Joe or Steve released that really had a NEW feel about it. Joe had the Extremist and Steve had the Ultra Zone but those were years ago. and lets not forget about Jordan Rudess! is DT for everyone? no. are they some of the best of there genre? i belive so. so there not for every John Doe, but thats what i think makes them great.

p.s. the new title track rocks!
Ahhh Petrucci's new hair style!? As soon as I saw his latest picture I screamed "NOOOO!!!!!". I hope Myung will not follow him...ewwww;).

BTW I personally think DT have been always not only for instrumental players, prog-fanatics + technical music fans but also for the listeners each of who are into various kinds of genre in music... In fact I've met DT fans who normally dig rock'n roll, prog-rock, melodic hard rock, metal, gothic, death...and even hard-core and ambient music. It's really cool, isn't it? Yes DT have super-technical skills and the band show them quite a lot on the albums and tours for sure. But on the other hand they don't forget to put catchy melodies(in the positive meaning) especially in chorus of their songs and this point made them to be one of the popular metal bands today IMO.
I also agree with blakmetalemp and Goddamn Guitar, Dream Theater is not for everyone, only die-hard lovers of "progressive" music such as Yes, King Crimson, Spiral Architect, etc... Each member of Dream Theater is a true virtuoso on their respective instuments and are very talented. Personally, I don't like James Labrie's voice at times, even though he is very talented. I play a little guitar and attempt to sing, and am constantly jotting words down, but I wouldn't consider myself a true "musician". My favorite Albums by DT are Images and Words and a Change Of Seasons. My favorite songs are Metropolis Pt. 1 and Under A Glass Moon and Pull Me Under. I also love their cover of Deep Purple's Perfect Stangers and the Zeppelin Medley. I am anxious to hear 6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence.