Dream Theater


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Seems you either love 'em or hate 'em. I'm on the fence. I love some of their riffs and melodies...love some of Petrucci's solos...HATE the singer. I appreciate the musicianship, but I feel they tend to lose focus at times. Also...I don't like that many of their songs and melodies teeter on the pop side just to go into some long instrumental asides. i think seeing them pull off the compositions live would be great...I'd like to catch them one day.

Any comments?
I liked the 2 first releases.. then a couple in between. I hardly find them interesting at all now.. People say they are unpredictable.. I find they are the most predictable band around now.
I'm still a huge fan of their older stuff (6 degrees and before. Although, I do enjoy Train of Thought occasionally). They completely changed the way I approached music. However, their two recent albums are absolutely horrible. I have tried and tried to like them but, out of those two albums Repentance and Octavarium (song) are the only ones that do anything for me.:cry:

At least there is still Symphony X!:)
I like Images & Words and Scenes From A Memory a lot.

The rest does nothing for me though.
Everything up to and including 6DOIT was good. A couple shitty prog songs per release, but solid overall. Then they imploded. ToT had nothing, 8VM had nothing SC nothing. Now they have shitty re-hash prog wankery, and replaced the good material in between with attempts at knocking off second rate rock bands and legacy artists who did much better versions.
I tried a couple times to get into that band but I couldn't. There are indeed good riffs and solos, and a few strong moments. However I don't like the singer at all and I find most of the material to be boring. I usually like prog music, but not that kind of prog.
hum... well... I've never been one to disect albums so I cant detail like others have done here. I've enjoyed them since Images & Words and around that same time I backtracked to get their first release. I'm not in a Dream Theater mode at this time so Im not listening to them, but when I do they are my favorite band at that particular moment, regardless the album. I just go along for the ride and be happy.

I honestly have always liked Labries vocals, though his weak point is obvious. To me its when he gets up at the edge of his range and goes monotone and sounds thin. When he stays away from there I believe he does good. His strongest suit to me has always been the soft stuff and I'll use the first song I heard like this... "Wait for Sleep" as an example... yep... absolutely love that song. I also like the mellow side of Six Degrees. When he gets down and gritty I like his voice just as much so long as he stays away form the edge of his range.

With a band like Dream Theater, I think the unforunate thing is they nearly cover everything they... and most other bands for that matter.... can do... in this case on their 2nd album. Then after that it usually sounds like just more of the same.
hum... well... I've never been one to disect albums so I cant detail like others have done here. I've enjoyed them since Images & Words and around that same time I backtracked to get their first release. I'm not in a Dream Theater mode at this time so Im not listening to them, but when I do they are my favorite band at that particular moment, regardless the album. I just go along for the ride and be happy.

I honestly have always liked Labries vocals, though his weak point is obvious. To me its when he gets up at the edge of his range and goes monotone and sounds thin. When he stays away from there I believe he does good. His strongest suit to me has always been the soft stuff and I'll use the first song I heard like this... "Wait for Sleep" as an example... yep... absolutely love that song. I also like the mellow side of Six Degrees. When he gets down and gritty I like his voice just as much so long as he stays away form the edge of his range.

With a band like Dream Theater, I think the unforunate thing is they nearly cover everything they... and most other bands for that matter.... can do... in this case on their 2nd album. Then after that it usually sounds like just more of the same.

More of the same can be good too.
yea, but in my listening history I've always found bands early material to light fires...... then the flame dwindles, soon people find it hard to be inspired by them. Dream Theater was extremely inspirational to me and I believe progressive metal as a genre in the 90's, hell, even still currently, Circus Maximus is a prime example, they sound for the most part like a DT/SX/pop metal genetic clone. I like em but I know what Im listening too, its blantently obvious. {sorry for the tangent from hell}

Seriously though, what bands that have been around for decades or even one decade in many cases gets the love their earliest work did ?

Maiden - no
Megadeth - no
Metallica - no
Dream Theater - no
Helloween - no

go WAY back to my times
Led Zeppelin - no, I wasnt crazy about their later work as a whole
Jethro Tull - I dont think their later work regardless being more "mature" had the edge
Rush - feel the same way

ect, ect, ect
yea, but in my listening history I've always found bands early material to light fires...... then the flame dwindles, soon people find it hard to be inspired by them. Dream Theater was extremely inspirational to me and I believe progressive metal as a genre in the 90's, hell, even still currently, Circus Maximus is a prime example, they sound for the most part like a DT/SX/pop metal genetic clone. I like em but I know what Im listening too, its blantently obvious. {sorry for the tangent from hell}

Seriously though, what bands that have been around for decades or even one decade in many cases gets the love their earliest work did ?

Maiden - no
Megadeth - no
Metallica - no
Dream Theater - no
Helloween - no

go WAY back to my times
Led Zeppelin - no, I wasnt crazy about their later work as a whole
Jethro Tull - I dont think their later work regardless being more "mature" had the edge
Rush - feel the same way

ect, ect, ect

That's because it wasn't more of the same.:lol:
Zep reinvented themselves, it just wasnt much fun.
You really think Rush reinvented themselfs or just matured ? I was thinking they just matured, but then Im a Caress of Steel freak that never moved on.... just kidding, was a special album to me.
Brave new world was great. I hear the newest one (a matter of life and death?) is pretty good, and the song that the Iron Maidens played in oly last weekend from that album was pretty awesome. I hear it is pretty decent as an album. But Iron Maiden were indisputably in their prime Seventh Son and before. Though they can still bring the goods live :D
Yes I like their recent stuff, dont get me wrong but ya'll know how easy I am to please. I just notice alot of old fans seems to complain alot, not just about Maiden, nearly all the older bands. I even like Fear of the Dark, quite a bit in fact, but its not the same.

Ken, that was exactly my reaction 30 some years ago, good enough music but I wanted to rock.