Dream Theater's Systematic Chaos

The only one who's looking dumb over here by using Last FM to tell me who's bigger, is you. In Flames might be more popular nowadays but Sepultura has always been and will be bigger.... In other words, you're saying Shadows Fall is a bigger band than, say, Iron Maiden, just because nowadays people listen to Shadows Fall (or any other band, say Trivium or Dragonforce) than Iron Maiden.

Oh, so pwned.

Sepultura in their day was about 20X bigger than In Flames. But that was a while ago...
I've been through two listens so far (Thanks Ken Golden!), the second one with my 17 year old son, and no distractions...............

.....................I kinda like it. It's grown on me quite a bit with just two listens. There are some "weird" moments where you look at the speakers and think "huh? What was that?", but then they reel you right back in with some sweet vocal harmony or a sing-along chorus, and you remember why you keep coming back. James goes into "opera" mode a few times, but I'll get past that. ;)

The shred factor is pretty high, of course (Petrucci is faster than ever it seems), but it's not "Train of Thought heavy", so we prog heads should be relatively satisfied.

Jordan again selects some odd sounds at times, but that's what makes him Jordan, I guess. It's not overly distracting for me.

Portnoy is an animal, as usual, and my son Bret was sitting here with his jaw on the floor at many moments on the disc.

A fun listen. I can't wait to get it back from Bret (he took it to school today to show off to his friends)!!

Anyway, that's my short attention span review for the moment. I'll check back if anything changes......


It's really not that bad, you know.....
People on this forum are fucking idiots sometimes. Talk about the music for the sake of music not the image or popularity of the band. Without the music there is no competition of popularity.
Get over it. This forum is open to any music related subject: image, popularity, legality, morality, technicality, likes, dislikes, personel changes, equipment, lighting, festivals, concerts, personalities, attitudes, and anything else one can think of.
People on this forum are fucking idiots sometimes. Talk about the music for the sake of music not the image or popularity of the band. Without the music there is no competition of popularity.
