Dream Theatre

I like the new song The Glass Prison. It's a bit simple for them in my opinion, but that opening riff is a killer, gets my adrenaline going...

I haven't heard full albums of theirs, but I hear they started heavy, got softer, and are back to heavy on this new album.

I should buy some of their albums eh...
[color=#AOEOOA]They started light with Day and Dream Unite, much the same but improved as a band with Images and Words.

Awake was their heavy album.
Falling Into Infinty was a very intropersonal album for the band, I'd say it as influenced by alot of non-metal factors, didn't really like it as much as the others.
Metropolis Pt 2 was a damn fine concept album and the most recent 6 Degrees has a bit for everyone, covering alot of styles and genres.

I prefer Awake over the other albums.[/color]