drop A# - how's this sound?

Cool track man, I dig the guitar tone.

To my ears the stereo field seems kind of narrow though? Could just be a personal preference thing but it feels like you could pan the guits a little wider... I'm sure other people will have better insight than me though about the rest of the mix...
Definitely squashed, but, what the hell is up with the low end? I feel like I'm hearing an obnoxious bass frequency I've never heard before. It's almost toneless, just pure woofiness.
Is this quad tracked? It kinda sounds like it and I think it would sound better just a single take on each side....
Or maybe it's just the squashiness making me think that.
I feel like I'm hearing an obnoxious bass frequency I've never heard before. It's almost toneless, just pure woofiness.

I think it's an extreme sorta woof from a super-loose kick drum; I can tell it follows the pulse of the kick. Actually the sub-drops work pretty well IMO!
ive tried using dirthead last time in my mix. I have a problem when i rendered the mix, my DI tracks with the dirthead vst will sound clean as if it got bypass or sumthin. Only experienced this sort of thing with dirthead. u guys experience any of this as well?
Sounds like you eqed the bassdrum for thumps in da trunk low rider bass boom car system...

Your bassdrum needs a low frequency cut at 40hz or so. You need to separate out the bass and guitar. I make shelves for guitar at 120hz and then skim the top for vocals at 1000hz. for bass 50-375. That will tighten up your mix. Guitar tone is pretty cool, Im working on mine, cheers :beerchug:
You should really experiment more with the sustain and release on the kick, I would recommend it being at least under 70ms (sustain and kick together).
Yeah, it's bass. When you're doin' the bass slide, I can hear that low end boomines. Try putting an simple amp vst and some comp on bass. Guitar tone sounds good to my ears (except the palm mute arpeggio parts)
ive tried using dirthead last time in my mix. I have a problem when i rendered the mix, my DI tracks with the dirthead vst will sound clean as if it got bypass or sumthin. Only experienced this sort of thing with dirthead. u guys experience any of this as well?

When I load up any project file that has dirthead, all the tracks reset back to the green channel ("clean"). I just turn them back on when I load up the project. All I can say is try making sure the dirthead tracks are set the red channel right before you render.

Although I have yet to fully experience this notorious low end woof, I can safely say it's probably the bass. Its a really simple chain that is basically just an EQ and an overdrive. I've never had this issue before, I'm assuming it's because it's all in A#. Damn frequencies. I'll see if I can fix it.