Mix test for next Vortech album (Wagner+CurveEQ+SIR+GH)


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
Instrumental at the moment. Vocals will be recorded in late February. I'll also reamp with my JCM900 SL-X and Powerball then. But on that file:

Guitars quad DI with Wagner + CurveEQ:

100% L = PEAVEY 6505 A1 (Rhythm CH)
79% L = MESA Dual Rectifier A2
79% R = PEAVEY 6505 A1 (Rhythm CH)
100% R = MESA Dual Rectifier A2

and SIR with GuitarHack's BBAC-Half on the 6505 tracks and Edge Sneap on the Mesa tracks.

Lead guitars with Amplitube 2.

Bass = Sansamp BDDI with a quite dirty sound, LPF @ ~5 kHz
and a parallel clean DI signal compressed to bejesus, and with a bit of distortion.

Drums are Addictive Drums with the Decapitated kick with some HF shelf boost, and in general with a lot of processing.

Electronics with Toxic III and Vanguard.

On the master channel, there's just EQ with a small mid boost and a slight high shelf, and a level boost of 1.5 dB. Then a small room reverb, and multiband compression to tame the bass a little and a small midrange boost, and overall level boost of 1 dB. And finally a brickwall limiter with threshold at 0 dB and max level at -0.2 dB.
Nice to hear Vanguard in something other then Techno......... Great tune... I love it!!!! Like the break about 2 mins in!!!
good sound!
but guitars not enough sharp and hat is terrible-better be add some Superior

solo sound is good-can we see/hear setup of that tone?
Crystal clear! But for my taste the synths are a bit too loud.
I just put it into Wavelab and actually you can EQ quite a bit more lowend there without making it muddy, like a +3db-bell around 60-120hz, try it out :)

Can you post your Wagner and CurveEQ settings? The guitars are quite similar to what Opeth had sometime!
Also, did you use any noise pedal/gate or tubescreamer in your amp sim?
but guitars not enough sharp and hat is terrible-better be add some Superior

I don't have DFH Superior. I did try having the guitars a little more trebly, but I didn't like it that much. They turned very shrill and ear-piercing.

There's no tube screamer or other boosts in the guitars, nor any noise gate (both the Redeye and Fireface 400 are very very silent :)). But a slight multiband compression around the 200 Hz range to tame the over the top HUMMMMPH (12 dB louder than straight notes!) of palm mutes.

Can you post your Wagner and CurveEQ settings?

Wagner was basically all-stock, except Drive was just a wee bit below standard 12 o'clock, at 4,25 / 10. Also, I turned the Quality knob to just over halfway (5,5 / 10). Otherwise it was everything at 12 o'clock, except for a small treble boost (7 / 10) on the 6505 tracks.

CurveEQ was just the spectrum files I listed (from VH100R curve pack) with the 6505 spectrum with 7 bands and notched down two clicks. The Mesa one was 12 bands and notched down 3 clicks.

The Addictive Drums drumkit was:

kick - Tama Starclassic (Mic balance 0 %, ie. full beater)
snare - Sonor Designer (Mic balance 31 %, ie. mostly top)
toms - Tama Starclassic 10", 12", 16"
cymbals - 18" Sabian AAXplosion, 19" Sabian HHX Studio, 18" Sabian AAX China
ride - 21" Sabian HHX Groove
hihat - 14" Sabian AAX Studio Hats

All inserts and FX within AD were disabled.

The lead guitar settings in Amplitube 2 are:

Pre model: Modern Hi Gain
EQ model: Tube Lead
Amp model: 100W 6L6

Gain 5
Bass 4
Middle 7
Treble 4
Presence 9
Spring Reverb 0
Volume 7

Stomp: Overdrive
Tone 4
Dist 1
Level 10

Cab: 4x12 Closed Modern
Mic: Dynamic 57
On Axis
(other settings default)

Rack: Digital Delay (ST, Delay time: bpm 1/4, mix 45 %, other settings at default)